Ch43: Battle of the North Sea (1)

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Bismark's POV:

I still can't believe she allowed me to do this. What's her game? Surely there's a reason. She doesn't strike me as the type to just change their mind on a whim. I'd bet that this was her plan from the start. Still, though, to what end? 

Weser: Does anyone else find it strange that we haven't heard anything since we left the straits? 

Volga: Now that you mention it, I haven't detected anything either.

Belorussiya: And yet a port nearby should be under attack, right?

Weser: Well, yes. According to the last report we received.

Belorussiya: Hmm. Bismark, what do you think?

Me: Regardless of what it means, we can't turn back now. Our best bet is to get to the port and find out what's happening.

Belorussiya: Won't that expose us to a potential trap?

She's right. Of course, she's right and yet as am I. We can't go back and staying where we are just gives the enemy a specific place to attack. Our best bet is to simply continue moving forward and yet, why are my senses tingling like this? It's as though something's trying to tell me not to go.

Weser: I'm afraid we'll be unable to take either option.

Weser: I'm afraid we'll be unable to take either option

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Me: What do you mean?

Weser: My patrolling aircraft have spotted a large force and their heading this way.

All: What?

Rather than reply, she points towards the sky and as I turn to face what she's pointing at, I can feel the blood drain from my face. There, heading towards us, what must be 100s of aircraft flying at top speed.

Immediately, our fleet spreads out into a formation suitable for countering the incoming aircraft but even as our carriers launch all their aircraft, everyone knows that we are at a disadvantage. This only becomes even more apparent when Volga's aircraft spot the enemy fleet also heading our way.

Me: What?

Volga: It's exactly as I said. The fleet has 7 aircraft carriers, 9 Battleships, 4 heavy cruisers, 12 light cruisers, and 20 destroyers from what I can see.

Kronshtadt: Are they sending their entire fleet at us? What the hell did you people do?

Me: Ha ha ha...

I can only laugh in response. We're so screwed...

Me: Everyone, prepare for battle!

Belorussiya: Shouldn't we withdraw?

Me: If you want to be the one to explain to her then be my guest. Otherwise, let's show them the true might of our fleet!

All: Aye!

Me: Elbe, contact the coast and request additional air support. We'll begin moving towards the coastline to better put ourselves in range of any aircraft they can send.

Elbe: Understood.


Iron Blood's POV (U-47):

The North Sea,
Contested Waters

It's been some time since we broke off from tailing Miss Bismark's fleet. During that time we met up with our other sisters whom mother apparently had join us from Berlin. From them, we find out that the city is locked in a stalemate with sporadic fighting here and there each day but no major engagements. It seems they're all waiting on mother to arrive.

U-110: [Yeah! We have a mom and a grandma now! Mom's the best! She's so nice to-]

U-556: [WHAAAAAA?]

U-556: [That's so unfair! I want a mom too!]

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U-556: [That's so unfair! I want a mom too!]

There are giggles all-around at that but I can see it from the faces of the others that they want the same. That said, nows really not the time for us to be discussing this. We have a job to do and a very important one at that.

U-101: [I'm receiving a transmission! Our fleet is under attack!]

All: [What?]

U-101: [The enemy fleet is there. Our targets are there!]

Me: [Are you sure it's not the enemy trying to spread false-]


An explosion cuts me off but as the bubbles clear it reveals an Iron Blood aircraft sinking beneath the waves. It's ripped to shreds but even in the pieces of metal floating by, the bullet holes are clear for any to see. 

U-556: [We have to go and help them! We-]

Me: [We need to focus and not do anything rash.] 

U-556: [But-]

Me: [We have our orders. We must target their aircraft carriers before doing anything else.]

Her face says it all. She wants to go in and help out right now but orders are orders and even she knows better than to go against them. Still, nothing's stopping us from wrapping up our tasks as quickly as possible so that we can help out.

Me: [How far are we from them?]

U-101: [Around 50 nautical miles due south.]

Me: [Then let's go!]

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