5th and 8th Army's Breakdown

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Extended Panzer Battalion - Spearhead (18,500 men)

Self-propelled anti-aircraft gun (x5)
Panzer IV Tank (x128)
Panzer III Tank (x32)
Sturmgeschütz IV (x50)
Armoured half-track (x50)
Staff car (x86)
Standardized half-truck x (112)

Extended Infantry Division - Main Battle Line (65,000 men)

Self-propelled anti-aircraft gun (x12)
Armoured half-track (x250)
Staff car (x62)
Motorcycle with sidecar (x33)
Truck (x210)
Standardized half-truck (x180)

Extended Motorised Division - Rapid Deployment (44,000 men)

Motorcycle with sidecar (x15)
Motorcycle (x22)
Staff car (x54)
Armoured half-track (x500)
Standardized half-truck (x1,212)

Sensenmänner Battalion - Special Forces (3,500 men)

Junkers Ju 52 transport aircraft (x50)
Armoured half-track (x135)

Support Division - Artillery and Engineering (21,000 men)

Self-propelled anti-aircraft gun (x28)
Armoured recovery vehicle (x48)
Half-track prime mover (x35)
Mobile crane (x18)
Self-propelled artillery gun (x55)
Standardized half-truck (x250)
Truck (x32)
Excavator (x61)
Armoured lumberjack vehicle (x12)

Extended Cavalry Regiment - Garrison/Security (16,000 men)

Horses (x7,000)
Motorcycle (x30)


Note that the above refers to each of the armies and not them combined. The reason why some of them say extended while the prior assignments had them as normal-sized units will be revealed in upcoming chapters. 

In case you're wondering why the Panzer Battalion is being called a Battalion when it clearly has WAY more tanks and personnel than a Battalion would carry, you'll have to wait on the future story updates to find out. The same goes for the cavalry "regiment". 

Also, if you are wondering why I didn't use the designations/actual names for most of the various equipment it is to keep things simple. Not everyone might understand what a Panzerkampfwagen IV (or Pz.Kpfw. IV) is, for example, but we all know what a Panzer IV tank is assuming you have even glimpsed an anime/ww2 related movie before. That said, if you're wondering what a Sturmgeschütz IV is, the simplest way to describe it would be to say that it is a tank made to do nothing else but kill other tanks. That is a severe oversimplification but hey, that is quite literally its only function so...though to be fair they could use it to do other things as well but still...

By order of deployment in battle, they'd usually go as follows though note that this isn't exactly historical and is merely the strategy being used by August for this particular operation:

1. The Panzer Battalions would go first.

2. The Motorised Divisions would follow close behind.

3. The Infantry Divisions would follow behind them at a more relaxed pace as a sort of steady front line behind the actual frontlines thus allowing those in front to be able to fall back if necessary behind the safety of already well-established positions.

4. The Support Divisions would accompany the Infantry Divisions acting in support of them and not so much the Panzers or the Motorised/Mechanised forces.

5. The cavalry would accompany the Support Divisions providing additional security and limited garrison duties in regards to locations being used as a "base" such as a town or city.

Yes...she was given a MASSIVE ARMY for what could be classified as a relatively medium-sized operation that can turn into something major. However, keep in mind that she wasn't given 2 armies. Rather she was given 2 army groups and just in case you aren't aware, a single army group consists of more than one army and each army can have well over 200,000 troops each so...

Also, yes, Iron Blood has more than enough people to field a much larger army than it did in ww2. Trade with the Rumelian Empire has also allowed it to supply said forces much better than it had been able to supply its army in our timeline near the end of the war. In addition, pretty much everything under their control besides Spain has been indoctrinated through various means as you'll find out as the story progresses which is why (if you were paying attention) you may have noticed that there are even French citizens amongst the general staff and army officer core that has assembled under August.

Now...back to the story...when the next update comes XD. This was just a fun little treat.

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