Ch42: Let The Preparations Begin

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It's only been a few days since we arrived in Stettin but despite delaying the trip to Berlin, we've made the most of our time here. I've had everyone training hard on how to work with each other and we've removed some of the animosity between Rossiya and the other NP girls and those from Iron Blood. Things aren't perfect but they are a far cry from where they once were.

Roon has also gotten the force she's in charge of to undergo even more intense training, the likes of which remind me of something navy personnel would likely undergo. How no one drowned during those...I'll never know.

Now, however, as the sun rises on yet another day I have my mind set on something entirely different. To that end, I'm awake and moving about before everyone else. Usually, Rossiya or one of the other maids would come and wake me but today, as I stand at the doorway to the room they're all sleeping in I can't help the devious smile that crosses my face. With me is an entire army band armed with the loudest trumpets we could find and one oversized ww2 german war/parade drum.

On my signal, they begin. The first Boom of the drum instantly awakens every single girl as well as, most likely, the entire city. However, by the second beat of the drum, they are all ducking for cover as if we're under attack. I'm laughing so hard from their reactions that I almost forget to signal for the trumpeters to begin but when they do things go to an entirely new level. 

Gangut: AHHH. Don't take me! I swear I wasn't drinking!


Gromky: Who's attacking us?

Grozny: AAAAAHHHHH! Run! Run for your lives!

Me: Good morning girls.

Upon hearing my voice, they all pause and I must say the look of utter disbelief that washes over each of their faces...I could die right now and be the happiest woman alive having witnessed it. Changing from utter panic to confusion to disbelief to outright denial before settling on shame, I could take it in all day but alas, there's a reason for all this.

Me: You have one hour to get ready and eat before our next exercise begins.

I don't wait on their reply before walking off but I don't get far before a seepy Roselyn steps out into the hallway. Her hair is a mess and her eyes are droopy with black shadows beneath them. When she turns towards me, I stop walking and watch with amusement as her eyes slowly move up from my feet to my waist before continuing until they settle on my face. The minute she notices it is me the very life within her leaves her body and for a split second, I swear she dies. 

Roselyn: Ma'am! 

Me: Relax. You can go back to sleep but I want to see you in three hours' time. 

Her face pales at that but after my reassurance that it is not anything bad and my threatening to redeploy her to Roon's side again, she finally agrees to go back to sleep and get even more rest. The minute she closes her door, I continue on my way and soon find myself on the outside once more. Before me, is gathered a large assortment of personnel who've also gotten up early to assist with preparations. After thanking the band, I dismiss them before turning to the crowd.

Me: Alright everyone, we have one hour to get everything ready. Get moving!

Azur Lane: Kaiserin (Book 1)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя