Ch20: The Fuehrer

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The rest of the trip is relatively uneventful and after a little over a day's journey, we finally arrive. We could have made the trip in a few hours top but after that skirmish we had neither I nor the others felt safe boarding a plane to Berlin.

????: This is where we'll leave you. 

Me: I take it I'll be meeting the Fuehrer later today then?

????: Yes. I think I can speak for us all in saying that some rest is needed after that journey.

Nodding I thank him for escorting us to the capital once more and after arranging the details surrounding the remainder of the day, head inside the house they've left us at. Inside, I find Roon lounging with one hand on one of her guns.

Me: You know no one will attack us here, right?

Roon: I...

She falls silent. Using the opportunity presented, I head into the kitchen and find some cereal. It's not exactly like what I'm used to but it'll do. After making a bowl for myself and Roon, I head back into the living room. Once I sit beside her, she resumes our prior conversation.

Roon: Why did you agree to come here?

Me: I want to meet the Fuehrer.

After taking a spoon for myself, I move the next towards her mouth.

Me: Ahhh.

Seeing what I'm doing, she opens and lets the spoon slip into her mouth. Smiling, I continue feeding her whilst explaining just enough of my plan to satisfy her without revealing anything to any who may be listening in on our conversation.

Roon: So you'll still go to meet him on your own?

Me: That was the deal. However, you're free to come along and wait outside if you want.

She tries hiding the relief that I want her to come but fails at doing so and instead turns away from me. 

Me: Make sure to get some rest. It'll be a long day.

Not waiting on her response, I stand and make my way to the kitchen where I wash the bowl and spoon used before turning in for the night. Sometime later, I sense Roon sneaking into the room I chose but keep pretending to sleep, even as she slowly climbs onto the bed. Then, at the last moment, as she's about to come to a standstill, I speak.

Me: What are you doing Roon?

Like a cat hit by water she flies off the bed. Turning, I find terrified eyes staring back at me through the dark. Somehow she's already made it out the door and is now peeking at me from behind the wall. 

Me: If you are scared of the dark you could always just ask to sleep beside me, you know.

Roon: I'm not-

She slams her mouth shut as she realises what my statement implies. However, it also makes it clear that should she choose to sleep in my room let alone on my bed then she'd also be admitting to being scared of the dark thus challenging her pride. Grinning, I return to my prior position leaving her to wrestle with herself over what she wants to do. After some time, the gentle sinking of the mattress tells me that she's made her choice.

Me: Now get some rest.

Roon: Can I...can we-

Me: Sleep or I'll change my mind and kick you out myself.


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