Ch8: Just A Little Fun

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It's been a couple of days since Eugen and Agir kissed me and since then, things have been a bit tense. I've managed to make friends with all the other girls on the base as well as learnt some things about this world. I've also confirmed that Zhejiang isn't in this world, meaning that I'm all alone in regards to people from my world and yet, I've not yet had the time to truly process that fact as every day has been wild. 

Neither Eugen nor Agir have been willing to let me out of their sights ever since that day. In fact, they've already gotten into several fights over...well, me. The other girls seem to find it amusing but I'm starting to get concerned. I know they are both capable and they both only mean well but I certainly don't want anyone getting hurt for my sake. Still, no matter how often I tell them that we can all be friends together, they both shout no, claiming that I don't understand what's going on...

Roon: How are you feeling?

Looking up, I find Roon offering me a cup of what smells like chocolate. Taking it, I offer a smile before taking a sip. She returns my smile before sitting beside me on the bench. We remain their together in silence, watching Agir and Eugen arguing some distance away but it's not long before Roon speaks up again.

Roon: How long have they been like this?

Me: Since morning.

Roon: What led to the fight this time?

Me: I'm not sure. I woke up and found Agir sleeping beside me-

Roon spits out her chocolate, only barely managing to miss her clothing as she does.

Roon: What?

Me: Yeah, I don't know what she was doing there either but then Eugen opened the door and...well, you can see where it led.

Even without looking in her direction, I can tell Roon's looking at me. I'd be looking at me too if I were in her position. Still, there's nothing I can do about the current situation. I've already tried talking to both of them but neither will listen even though they both seemingly only want what's best for me.

Roon: You really get to have all the fun, you know that?

Me: Hmmm?

Roon: Cheer up a bit, alright? They'll be fine so stop worrying so much.

Me: But-

Roon: No buts...come here.

She doesn't wait for me to respond, instead, pulling me towards her and into an embrace. It's surprising but even more so is how warm she is. A strange feeling passes through me, even as I relax my body and sink further into her embrace. Is this what a genuine hug feels like?

Me: Thank you.

Roon: Now, now. Get some rest. I'll watch them and make sure they don't do anything stupid.

The minute the words leave her mouth, a wave of drowsiness washes over me. Turning, I change positions until my head is comfortably in Roon's lap before closing my eyes. Her thighs are soft and warm, providing the perfect place to rest my head and before long I'm slowly drifting off to sleep. The last thing I remember is the feeling of a hand gently brushing through my hair and the soft humming of what sounds like a lullaby.


Sometime later I awaken to the sound of arguing, now much closer than before. Rather than open my eyes, however, I keep them shut as I listen in on the conversation. From what I can tell, it seems Eugen and Agir have at the least stopped fighting physically but have returned to their prior verbal argument. 

Eugen: Just stay away from her.

Agir: Who are you to tell me what to do?

Eugen: She doesn't need to be tainted by your...behaviour.

Agir: Oh? You're one to talk!

Eugen: W-

Agir: Don't think I haven't heard! You bringing her to take a bath together!

Eugen: Shut up! You don't even know what you're talking about!

Agir: Oh? Are you implying that you didn't get naked together?

Eugen: What's it to you? At least I never snuck into her room to sleep with her!

Agir: AHH! How dare you!

Roon: Would you two shut up already! You're going to wake her up. If you want to argue, take it someplace else.

Much to my surprise, they both fall silent. As they do, I feel a gentle pressure against my head as though someone's playing with my hair. I try to remain silent but it feels so good as the pressure deepens that a soft, whisper of a moan escapes my lips. I'm not sure if anyone heard me but my body tenses up, if only for a few seconds as I realise what I just did before relaxing again when no one mentions anything.

Roon: Look how peaceful she looks. Thanks to your constant bickering she hasn't been able to get any proper rest for days, until now. You both realise she's been worried sick about you, right?

Eugen: I'm sorry.

Roon: I'm not the one who needs your apology. Tsk. If I were even half as lucky as you are to have someone care this much for me...I would...well, let's just leave it at that.

Awe, Roon! I never knew you cared so much about me. You really are a special friend. I should probably thank you later for talking up for me. Then again, if I do, you'll know that I heard everything. I'll have to find some other ay to thank you then...

Now even more comfortable than before, I completely relax my muscles. As a result, my hand falls limply, landing between Roon's thighs. It's accidental but we both stiffen as my fingers brush against her skin. I doubt the others can see what's happened since my head should still cover my hand given it's under it but Roon's breathing gets heavier and her body heats up, I can tell it's only a matter of time before she falters. 

Agir: Roon's right, let's call a truce for now, Eugen.

Eugen: Hmm? Oh...sure, I guess.

Agir: What's that supposed to mean?

Eugen: Nothing!

Roon: C-can you both go somewhere else?

Both: Hmm?

Roon: You're really going to wake her up...

Agir: Oh, right. My bad...let's go, Eugen.

I keep trying to lift my hand but as I do, Roon closes her legs, trapping my hand between her thighs. In my attempt to free it by applying more force, my hand slips forward and touches her. The minute it does, a moan escapes her lips followed by what sounds like her forcing herself to stay quiet by clamping her hand over her mouth. 

Unsure of how to feel about the entire ordeal and caught between embarrassment, shock and something else entirely, I can only giggle as I imagine her face. Turning to look at her for myself, I find her staring down at me, eyes dark with emotion.

Despite her expression, it only makes me giggle some more as I now teasingly rub my finger against what feels like lace panties and watch as she bites her lip, trying to force herself from giving herself away. 

After teasing her for just a bit longer, I stop and sit up ever so slightly. My face's now directly before her own with only a few inches separating us. However, due to the fact that her legs are still tightly closed, my hand is still trapped between her legs. Still, I don't allow it to distract me as I lean forward. Her eyes widen as I do.

Me: Thanks for talking up for me.

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