Ch17: I Will

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Opening my eyes reveals the loving eyes of Friedrich watching my every expression. She hasn't said anything and is doing her best to hide her true feelings but eyes never lie and I can tell something's bothering her.

Me: What happened?

FDG: You had a bad dream. that's what that was. As it all comes flooding back I feel tears settling in my eyes. She notices and wipes them away before coercing me to sit up. When I do, I take note of the fact that we're in her bedroom. What's more, we're both in her bed...

Realising the implications, my cheeks heat up as I turn away, embarrassed. I'm not sure whether she notices or not, but she doesn't mention it. Instead, she stands and begins making her way out of the room. I move to follow but she quickly tells me to stay put, mentioning that she'll be back soon before slipping out the door. 

Despite her request for me to stay put, I stand and make my way over to the nearby vanity. Using one of the softer bristle brushes, I do quick work of prepping the upper portions of my hair but it's only now that I realise just how absurdly long my hair is. As I stare at the rest, contemplating whether it is even worth attempting such an arduos task, Friedrich returns with food in hand. She must notice the look on my face because she laughs before coming over. 

Handing the food to me, she takes the brush and sets herself up behind me to do the rest while I eat. After thanking her, I dig in, suddenly ravenous. I must have been asleep for days if I'm this hungry...unless...wasn't Zhejiang always this hungry as well? That'd, it can't be. That's just not possible. I was never a ship, to begin with so there's no way I got turned, even if everyone else here thinks I am one of them.

As I continue thinking about it, however, it becomes more and more obvious. If I wasn't changed then I'd certainly have died long ago. The number of times life's tried to kill me since I arrived in this world and the fact I survived, even if I got assistance, just tells that I am indeed not human. Still, that doesn't make me whatever these girls are either. I mean, I haven't felt any connection to any ship since I got here and if I do but just don't realise it then where was that ship when I was being attacked or trapped under all those rocks! 

FDG: There, all done.

Me: Thank you.

She smiles, taking the now empty plate from me.

FDG: How are you feeling?

Me: Better...

FDG: The Fuehrer wants to meet you.

My head snaps in her direction upon hearing that. She tries hiding it but I can see the worry plastered all across her face. 

Me: How does he even know I exist?

FDG: The Fuehrer knows everything.

Despite her words, her tone tells me that this is more of a rehearsed response than an actual one. Sighing, I try relaxing as I process the news. I may be overthinking things. This is a different world with a different history from my own, at least to an extent. What is to say that the Fuehrer is the same as in my own world and even if he is what is to say he has the same policies? Besides, I doubt I have anything to fear from him either way. I've done nothing wrong, right?

Me: Do you know why he wants to meet me?

FDG: I...I'm not sure.

Me: Then will you at least be coming with me?

FDG: I...I can't.

I've never seen her looks so defeated before. In fact, I have never seen any of the girls this deflated. Just who is this Fuehrer that he'd instil such emotions in girls that are virtually impervious to bullets and could likely storm the capital and depose the government with ease? 

A feeling of uneasiness washes over me. Perhaps it is that same man after all. I have always secretly wondered if there was much difference between him and those he fought against. I mean, he killed millions but so too did his enemies. He enslaved people but his enemies practically started the tradition in more modern history. Perhaps he's not so evil after all.

Who the hell am I kidding! Things can't possibly...wait. Does that mean that the other world leaders are also present in this world as well? If so then Mao should be present but I'm almost 100% certain that Zhejiang said the China of this world had united into a single nation with both Nationalists and Communists fighting under one flag. I can't imagine either of our ancestors even attempting such so it is unlikely they are here. Still, that doesn't mean Stalin isn't here and that man was truly evil personified...and we're likely at war with him. F*ck!

Me: Who is the leader of Russia?

FDG: Russia?

Oh right...

Me: I meant the Northern Parliament.

Thank you Zhejiang for your lessons in this world's nations! 

FDG: Hmm...that'd be the Premier. I believe his name was Joseph-

Me: I'll meet the Fuehrer.

Her eyes widen in surprise but I have my reasons and certainly can't explain them to her. Given my fate is already tied to this nation since Azur Lane already wants me dead for whatever reason, I must help them succeed. As bad as life may be under the Fuehrer, I much prefer it to life under that other man's rule. At least the Fuehrer had a reason for his killings. That man, on the other hand, killed for the sake of killing. His own people? The enemy? Allies? It didn't matter. If they so much as breathed the same air he did it was reason enough to kill them.

FDG: I don't think that's a good idea.

Me: Do I have a choice in the matter?

She falls silent, telling me all I need to know in the process. If I must deal with the truly evil men of my own world then I'll ensure to secure my position in the one that is likely to be far more accepting. If I prove myself an invaluable asset, I'll guarantee my safety and if I can prevent the collapse of this nation as it did in my world then I'd have my future secured and who knows, perhaps I can improve life for everyone else while I am at it. Thankfully, having dealt with my father and the others from the Party all my life, I have some experience when dealing with ruthless men. I only hope it'll be of use here.

Me: I will meet him on my own but inform them that I will ask for something in return.

FDG: I do-

Me: I await their response.

She sighs and stands, giving me a solemn glance once more before exiting the room. The minute the door closes behind her, I begin plotting my next move. If I am to succeed everything needs to go perfectly. However, as I don't know who the Fuehrer is or what he is like it is still likely I'll need to improvise as things go. Still, I can at the very least prepare for the most likely outcomes. Yes...regardless of who it turns out to be I will succeed in this meeting.

I wonder though, of the three...

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