Ch54: Meet The Hippers (1)

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Roselyn steps out of the lobby but despite her now having left, I still decide against remaining where we stand. Taking Bismark's hand, I lead the both of us out of the lobby and out the front doors. I'm surprised to not be mobbed the minute we step into the open but it quickly becomes clear that this is mainly due to portions of my army holding the masses at bay. When they see me, the noise becomes deafening but rather than approach them I simply smile and wave. Bismark does the same before joining me as we continue towards a side exit. There, a car awaits us.

Me: Take us to the airfield.

Driver: Yes, your majesty.

That will definitely take some getting used to. 

Bismark: Are we flying somewhere?

I don't respond. Instead, I contact Eugen, Hipper, Z20 and Z21. They're spread across the various assignments in the East and South but I instruct them to meet us in Bremen as quickly as possible. 

Me: We're going to Bremen.

Bismark: We're going to investigate the-

Me: We're going to Bremen.

She falls silent but she's all smiles. I have the driver slow down and pick up Parseval along the way. He seems tired but I don't think anything of it, even as he's absorbed back into my body. 

Me: Let Roselyn know where I'm headed.

Driver: Yes, ma'am.

As we pull onto the airfield, I have the driver make his way to the nearest plane. The pilots are outside with the engineers, hard at work on its maintenance but when they see Bismark and I step out of the car, they all jump onto their feet.

All: Ma'am!

Me: We need a flight to Bremen.

We're directed towards a nearby plane and within a few minutes, are taxiing the short distance to the makeshift runway for takeoff. We'll likely need to turn this location into an airport in the future. 

Bismark: What's on your mind?

Me: Just thinking about some things.

Bismark: Like?

Me: The best way to kick you out of this plane-

Bismark raises her hand in a show of surrender before putting some distance between us. Laughing, I turn my attention out the window as we begin our climb over the capital. All the fires from the day before are already out but I can see there's much rebuilding to be done. 


Me: Wake me up when we get there.


????'s POV:

Ughh! I've been travelling for hours! Where the hell is the mainland! It's bad enough that I'm stuck in this abomination called a feminine body but to be unable to find my way back as well! My people need me! I-


Looking up, I notice that I've been spotted. Immediately, it becomes obvious it isn't one of ours but I have trouble identifying whether it is from one of our allies or an enemy. Despite this, I aim my guns just in case.


The minute they turn around and open fire, I do the same, knocking them out of the sky with precision strikes. They're no match for the amazing might of the-


Relentless, more aircraft dive for me. This time, they include bombers who don't even wait to arrive over me or start their dive before dropping their payload. Despite their efforts, however, I easily dodge all their pathetic attempts to attack me.

Me: Superior Iron Blood Engineering! You pathetic wannabes are nothing more than moths to a raging flame! Feel my fire!


All my guns fire but most of the aircraft manage to evade their fire. By doing so, however, they are forced into the range of my smaller calibre guns, all of which open fire the minute they get within range.

Plane after plane gets hit, collapsing into the wave in a hail of fire and metal but despite my best efforts, they just keep coming and coming and coming. A never-ending wave of aircraft but judging from how we first met, I'm starting to think that they were never meant for me to begin with and if they weren't then that must mean they were all heading for the mainland.

Despite this, they have seemingly turned their full attention to sinking me. Have they figured out who I am? Surely no one has guessed that this is what my new look is! I mean, I'm sure news of my death has already spread like wildfire and is being used as propaganda to fuel the fires within the people to increase war support and nationalism. That's what I'd do anyway. 

Me: Why won't you just die!

Vrooom Vrroooom Vrrrrroooooom!


Me: Just die already!

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