Epilogue: Noble Blood

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Ugghhh. My head. It hurts...

Opening my eyes, I'm immediately struck by bright light but no sooner than I've flinched in response, a shadow overtakes me. Reopening my eyes, I find myself face to face with an extremely concerned Ulrich.

Ulrich: You're awake! 

I flinch from the high pitched scream she makes but she doesn't seem to notice as she continues.

Ulrich: You're actually awake!

Whether reflexive or intentional, before her mouth can open again my hand flies up and slams her mouth shut. She looks surprised but whatever she sees when she looks down at me silences her for good. 

After a few more seconds of silence, however, I force myself into a sitting position. Everything hurts but I fight through the pain so that I can find out what happened. The last thing I remember is us fighting a battle against Eagle Union. Did we win? Have we been captured? I need to know.

Me: What happened? The battle-

Bismark: We won or rather I should say Friedrich won.

Glancing across the room, I notice Bismark being tended to by Köln. She smiles but from the visible bandages all over, it is clear that she was seriously damaged during the fighting. 

Rossiya: A truly terrifying sight if ever there was one. That woman is a force of nature.

Roon: It was nothing!  I could have-

FDG: Is she awake?

Roon and Rossiya, both of whom are standing by the doorway, go rigid upon hearing my mother's voice. They barely manage to get out of the way before the doorway and the adjacent walls giveaway to a certain woman who barrels toward me the minute we lock eyes.


I'm receiving hugs and kisses before I'm even aware I've been lifted off the bed and am being carried in her arms. She holds me close, so close that her breasts squeeze into my side but before I can speak she's turned me around and around so much whilst checking to see if I'm physically hurt that I'm dizzy.

Me: What's going on?

Bismark: I-

FDG: I'm never letting you out of my sight again!

Me: What? I never agreed-

FDG: Agreed? Perfect!

Me: Hey!

????: MOM!

????: MOM!

Turning, I just about catch a glimpse of long pink hair before both Friedrich and I are knocked to the ground. If these are the submarines I must've lost weight as there's no way they should be able to knock both of us down with minimal effort, even if managing to do so because we're severely off-balanced. 

Parseval?: MINE!

????: She's my mother too! 

Parseval?: No, she's mine and mine alone!

????: What are you talking about? I'm her daughter and you know it. You're nothing more than a-

Parseval?: Don't you dare!

U-47: She belongs to neither of you.


U-47: Her daughter.

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