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I awaken with a scream. A few seconds pass before I realize the pain has subsided, but even with it now gone, my body involuntarily shivers as I recall what occurred. I was on Zhejiang's carrier when we. We were both pulled into what seemed like a miniature black hole in an already blackened sky. I'm not sure when we got separated but the minute I passed into the hole, my body was engulfed in searing heat and pain. 

It takes a while to calm down but eventually I manage to do so by recalling the kiss we shared. It was a calculated risk but I certainly don't regret it. It was special. Still caught in my recollection, it's not until a cool breeze hits me that I become aware of the fact that I am not back on the carrier. 

Looking around reveals one of three states I am sure no one wants to find themselves in. The first, looking around and seeing nothing but sand, would be bad but manageable since very few deserts are seemingly endless and eventually you'd reach the end as long as you refrain from walking in circles. The second is much better than the first. Looking around to see nothing but trees almost guarantees you'd at the very least be able to find food but given the size of some forests, you might never find your way out and unlike the desert, others will also not likely find you. The last, however, is the one I find myself facing. In all directions, there is nothing but water and more water, for miles. 

Despite this revelation, however, I don't panic until realising that I am floating on a piece of scrap metal. In my panicking, however, I accidentally shift and it tips, taking on water in the process. This alarms me but as I frantically push the water off, I notice for the first time that my appearance has changed. No longer do I have dark hair or Asian features. In fact, as I look closely, I notice that even my eye colour's different. What's more, I am not dressed in the same clothing I had prior. 

Me: Pretty...

Lost in my own beauty, I am unaware of the approaching danger until the sound of splashing reaches my ears. Looking up, I almost jump off my makeshift raft when I see a sharkfin heading straight for me. Now fully aware of just how deadly my position is, I lose all interest in my appearance and instead begin frantically looking for a way to escape but to my dismay, I'm still surrounded by water with no signs of land in sight. 

Remembering my phone I frantically work my way through the clothing I'm wearing but fail to find even the slightest signs of a pocket. My phone's not here. Resigning myself to my fate, I sit down, watching as more and more sharks begin circling me. Perhaps this is just a dream and I'll wake up. Still, something tells me this is real. 


Opening my eyes, I notice a squadron of planes flying by and begin waving my hands frantically. This is it, the chance I have been waiting for, to live! My joy increases when they seemingly notice me and begin turning my way. I am saved! Still, it does concern me ever so slightly that they are seemingly world war 2 era planes. There must be an airshow underway. Yes, that must be it.

As they line up, my joy turns to fear as my eyes register the light flashing mere moments before the first rounds hit the water around me. Dropping flat, I try to make myself as small as possible, terrified but unable to get in the water. I am caught between fighters and sharks without anywhere to turn. Someone, anyone, help me...please!


The sound of explosions overhead peak my interest. I look up to find a fighter diving straight for me. Forgetting everything, I dive off the floating metal and move away just in time to avoid being crushed by the downed plane. 

As I watch it sink beneath the waves, the sound of battle above pulls my attention to the sky where I notice for the first time the insignia on the various aircraft now engaged in a dogfight. The ones that attacked me are of an unknown origin to me but the ones now fighting them are clear as day. Those are planes from the German Reich. The black and white crosses are unmistakable but as I continue watching them fight, my mind wonders and I remember that the insignia was also used by the German Empire and the Prussians before them. Floating in the water, I find myself at the mercy of whoever wins but as the battle progresses, it becomes clear that the planes that I had declared as those from that terrifying nation are actually protecting me. I'm not sure why but it's undeniable as they go out of their way to prevent the enemy from lining up to continue attacking me.

????: Are you alright, love? 

Surprised, I turn to find a female standing right behind me

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Surprised, I turn to find a female standing right behind me. As my eyes skim over her appearance, I notice that like Zhejiang, she also has parts of a ship attached to her. From their type and size, she's definitely not a carrier, however. 

Me: H-Hi.

My voice refuses to come out as my eyes take in the many iron crosses on her clothing. Citizens within my home country never really got to experience any of the horror stories that these simple insignia have given birth to but as a military enthusiast, I had learnt every detail and now, staring it in the face, I am at a loss for words. I can't tell whether I should fear it or love it. From what Zhejiang had explained, her world had a group called Iron Blood which was all but the Third Reich in name. If this is the same...

????: Are you hurt?

Not waiting for an answer, she reaches down and pulls me up, scanning every visible part of my body to make certain I'm okay. The act is so surprising that I don't put up even the slightest resistance. Once she's certain I'm okay, she positions herself properly to allow me to use her as a support to prevent myself from sinking. She's surprisingly sturdy. 

Me: Thank you.

????: I don't remember seeing you before. How did you end up all the way out here?

Me: I don't know. I kind of woke up on a piece of scrap metal, floating in the midst of the ocean.

She seems genuinely surprised by this but before she can reply, another person joins our conversation.

????: What's taking so...oh...who's this?

????: Not sure

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????: Not sure. She was being attacked by Azur Lane though so at the very least we can assume she isn't one of them.

????: That so...

Azur Lane...wait isn't that one of the alliances Zhejiang told us about? Why would they attack me though? From what I heard they are at war but I can't see why they'd attack an unarmed, stranded stranger for no reason at all. It just doesn't make sense.

????: Oh... where are my manners. My name is Bismark and this is Prinz Eugen. Might I know your name?

If this is indeed Zhejiang's world then telling them my real name might actually put me in trouble, especially if they are allied to ww2 Japan. I wonder if they are at war with my country like they were in my own world at this time period...I mean, these girls still seem to be at war with the allies and they seem to be from the Reich so I can only assume that means things have followed a similar course here. Then again, Germany did provide limited military assistance to my nation in ww2 so perhaps... No, I shouldn't take the risk.

Me: My name is August.

Azur Lane: Kaiserin (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now