Ch47: Bad News

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Life can be a cruel mistress sometimes. I never understood those words my father kept repeating to me until now. As I return to Bremen with the girls and our prisoners in tow and come face to face with an extremely distraught Roselyn, I think I finally comprehend their meaning.

Roselyn: Ma'am!

Me: What's wrong now?

Roselyn: It's-

She pauses upon seeing the Royal Navy girls being hauled off to the nearest holding cells. Still, when I clear my throat she quickly returns to the matter at hand.

Roselyn: It's the Eastern Front. The enemy has managed to check our progress and has started an all-out offensive against our positions.

Me: Along the entire line?

Roselyn: Well yes. However, the army groups we left in the north to support Bergmann's advance are taking the brunt of their attack.

Me: They're prioritising an assault in the north? To what end?

Roselyn: It's unclear at this time, but they are likely attempting to retake Leningrad.

I'd completely forgotten about that. The thing about fighting this particular version of communists is the fact that human life is seen as nothing more than a means to an end. The fact that Leningrad is of strategic and political importance will likely see them toss their entire nation at getting it back. I have a use for the city itself but it may be in our best interests to simply avoid needlessly fighting over it and losing more men than necessary. Then again...

Me: What is the status in Berlin?

Roselyn: I'm afraid there's more bad news.

She pauses but when I raise an eyebrow, she hastens to explain.

Roselyn: Our forces still surround the city but there are reports of civil unrest at the current situation within the city. In response, Heinrich's forces began brutally oppressing the citizenry.

So he's like a lion caught in a trap, lashing out at anything that moves. It's about time I deal with him but the matter in the East is a far more pressing matter. I had somewhat promised the new recruits that I'd allow them to take revenge if they so desired but it seems we may not have enough time for such.

Me: Have Clarissa report to me immediately. I have a job for her. 

Roselyn: She's already here and awaiting your orders in the Bremen HQ. However-

Me: There's more?

Roselyn: The Sardegna Empire's KANSEN have rebelled against the current party and seized control. They have withdrawn from the treaty between our nations and are currently negotiating to rejoin Azur Lane.

My anger flares at that but remarkably, I manage to keep a straight face. My voice is strained as I reply, however, and going by how Roselyn flinches when I respond it is likely that she knows I'm pissed.

Me: Have the recruits currently training in Stettin move to Berlin immediately. Once they get there and surround the city, have the current forces surrounding it move to our border with the Sardegna Empire. I'll meet them there. 

Roselyn: But Ma-

Me: Tell our forces in the East to hold their ground and make the enemy pay for every inch of soil with blood, sweat and tears. No retreating, no surrender. Fight to the last man but hold until our other forces can reinforce them.

Roselyn: I-

Me: Have the army and garrison forces currently stationed in Leningrad move to reinforce my armies immediately and tell the other generals they are to hold their ground or I'll wheel my own armies around and kill them myself. 

Azur Lane: Kaiserin (Book 1)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu