Ch31: Motiv8

803 39 11

Roselyn's POV:

It has only been a few hours since the Kriegsmarschall fell unconscious and yet everyone's hard at work. Love her or hate her, she always had a plan for the unexpected and having given us all our orders beforehand, there is no doubt in anyone's mind. However, what is most surprising is that things didn't immediately fall apart after she was removed from the picture. I thought for sure we'd have to quell some dissent but quite the contrary. Everyone's resolve is firmer than ever. It's almost scary how resolved everyone is to see those responsible pay. 

The rallying cry is simple yet effective. If getting shot in the head wasn't enough to prevent our Kriegsmarschall from pressing on with her work then what excuse do any of us have? She may have asked the impossible but having achieved the impossible herself, who are we to disappoint? Yes, that is exactly what we will do and when she awakens we'll hand the very world to her on a golden, no diamond-encrusted platter. 

Officer: Hilfsmarschall...

Me: Hmm?

Officer: The 1st, 2nd and 3rd Sensenmänner Batallions are all ready and awaiting-

Me: That quickly?

Officer: Er...yes ma'am. They are eager to begin.

What would the Kriegsmarschall do in this situation? It is still well ahead of the time she'd allocated for us to prepare but if they are already ready for departure...I suppose it would be best if we get to the camps as quickly as possible. I myself hate the fact that they exist but until the Kriegsmarschall herself, no one had dared challenge their existence. I admire her for that and if it is her will that every last one of them is secured with minimum casualties then that is exactly what we'll do.

Me: Take me to them.

The officer nods and leads the way. It takes a few minutes but eventually we make it to the airfield where we find it bustling with activity as though it were a major airport and not just an open field. The men all stand at attention when they see us approaching, forming up by regiments as they do.

Me: Gentlemen, ladies. Today you embark on a mission not just to correct a wrong but to carry out the single most important mission issued by our Kriegsmarschall. You will be outnumbered and unable to request artillery and air support. However, failure is not an option. Take every last one of your targets without fail and prove to our Kriegsmarschall that we are worthy of being called her Reichsarmee!

All: Sieg Heil! (Hail Victory)

On my signal, every last man and woman break formation and heads to their corresponding aircraft. The entire field roars as engine after engine come to life. Every single one of these brave souls will soon find themselves confronted with the true extent of this war. I can only imagine the horrors they'll encounter at the major camps they'll target.

If she didn't already have their support having created these units herself, the Kriegsmarschall will certainly have it after they come across what she's actively trying to stop

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If she didn't already have their support having created these units herself, the Kriegsmarschall will certainly have it after they come across what she's actively trying to stop. Sighing, I move away from the field as the first aircraft moves to take off. Once I'm far enough away, I turn back to the officer that had led me out here.

Me: What is the status of the other operations?

Officer: Also progressing smoothly, ma'am. The frontline units have renewed their efforts with vigour and will likely break into Northern Parliament proper long before these aircraft make it to their destination.

Me: Let's not get ahead of ourselves.

Officer: Yes, ma'am. However, I'm afraid the other reports aren't much better in that case.

Me: Relay them to me.

Officer: The forces still in Bremen are already underway and have already landed in the capital. As we speak they have already stormed the Fuehrer palace, overwhelming the SS units guarding it thanks to the presence of major KANSEN units. The fighting will likely continue for some time but it can safely be said that the mission to secure the palace has concluded with only sporadic fighting within its many halls remaining.

Me: That is good news. The sooner we end the fighting in the capital the better.

Officer: As for the units set to assist our own in taking the smaller camps, they are already in position and are awaiting the signal to attack simultaneously with the rest of our forces.

Me: How in the world...

Officer: Feldmarschall Bergmann called in some favours.

Interesting. If Bergmann vouches for those forces then I have nothing to say against them though I'd much prefer to depend on our own forces for this type of mission.

Me: Still have our preassigned units head there as quickly as possible to ensure that our orders in regards to the treatment of those within those camps are carried out.

He heads off immediately to make the necessary arrangements. He's not yet out of sight when another officer comes up to me with yet another report. This one is an update on the situation in Berlin and I must say it is not encouraging. Things have barely begun and yet our forces that had managed to take the palace are now besieged. On the upside, they've reportedly met up with the Fuehrer and confirmed his safety but that means nothing if they are overrun. 

As much as I want to assist, however, it'll take more time to get the required units prepared and transported. Assaulting the camps is one thing but taking an entire city held by enemy forces is an entirely different matter. That'll require, at minimum, one of the armies.


Why did all this have to happen right now? I am not cut out for this type of thing. I'm meant to be the assistant, not the leader herself! Ughh! How does she ever manage this sort of thing? She always knows just what to say and has a plan for everything no matter how taxing it might be.

Me: Inform them that they are to hold out. It'll take us time to get to them but once the offensive begins it should take some of the pressure away from their seige-

????: Hilfsmarschall! 


It's going to be a long day...

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