"We are fighting for you, we didn't want you to see this. Marwa, why are we your friends if we can't defend you against the world? This is exactly what we are doing now! Please allow us to do this." Shukrah frantically comforted but unfortunately, nothing worked.

"It was a libel against me! It's me someone is trying to paint black, all my life I've never even tried talking to Yahanasu because I was closed off and uninterested in problems but she slandered against me, it's Marwa she dared to slander against. A whole me!" Marwa cried in agony, occasionally beating her chest till her voice faded.

Rumaisa hugged her to herself, no matter how she tried to wiggle out of the woman's hold, it was just too tight. Everyone kept quiet as Haroon gave her a glass of water, Marwa calmed down and her sobs muffled.

"Gran, what have I done to be treated this badly? Was it because I didn't know of you all in my past life? Why aren't I treated like a person with feelings? Am I that unlucky in my life? Why are the inferior being criticized like that? Just because we used to share a bathroom and cook on a camping gas, it has now turned into something to be talked about. I've never slept around with anyone I promise, all of you believe me right? I swear I'm pure, please don't insult me too." She frantically cried.

"What's your name?" Rumaisa detached herself from her granddaughter and howled the words like a parade commander.

"M-m---" It felt too heavy even to say it.

"Is that how to speak? I command you to tell me your name now." The woman fiercely howled again.

"Marwa Haroon Baghdad." The teenager answered.

"Repeat what you just said!" Rumaisa demanded.

"Marwa Haroon Baghdad." She let out a scream.

"Who are you? What's your identity? What's your status and role in this state?" Asked the ex-major general.

"I'm a royal, I'm a Baghdad, I'm the queen of this state, I am the maker of the kingdom." As Marwa answered those questions, she felt the pride and determination building up in her. Confidence surged through her veins as she wiped her tears, one would swear that she didn't just finish crying.

"Good! You are the queen, the maker of the kingdom and the kingdom itself. How can you be crying over a small ant that people will take the pleasure of killing for you? Now square your shoulders and show her who the real boss is, so what if you had one bathroom and a camping gas? Nobody knows what you went through to put food on your table, you are who you are, stronger than the shell of a tortoise. They want to break you, show them you are unbreakable, the blood of the Baghdad is running through your veins, and you have to fight to keep it sacred. I'm not your grandmother for nothing." Rumaisa motivated, her stern resolution making the others stare in awe.

"Thank you, Gran, it means a lot." Marwa hugged the woman who smiled.

"I know it does, we are here for you. Let's see who dares to mess with the ex-major general's granddaughter." She comforted just as Junaid and Turad came back into the room with grim expressions on their faces, indicating that they have seen the trending news.

"I've sent someone to bring the girl here, she must repeat everything she said, wallahi[By Allah]," Junaid swore.

"No, let her be." Jamal broke the silence and everyone gaped at him, waiting for him to explain.

"People are going to keep a close eye on her now, if anything happens, they'll blame Marwa for it all. And also, she shouldn't go online till the rumour dies down, she shouldn't speak to the public about this, and no one is allowed to see her outside. Girls, even you should stop replying to messages online, it'll give off too much information." He finished and they looked at him with a confused expression.

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