Usurper from the Wilds (Part 11)

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You and Riddle were still running to escape from Floyd since both you and Riddle disliked floyd equally and it was a pain to be short while Floyd was taller then both you and Riddle as you were the one who basically got dragged into this entire mess. 

What's even worse is the fact that the sisters of the Black Hearts Corp was getting unsealed from their imprisonment from your mother that wasn't going to last much longer and yet it was your job to seal the sisters away again because thats what your mother would've wanted you to do.

"Strawberry Tart...I'm tired..." You mumbled out as you were tired of running from Floyd.

"....H-Heart Rose...! You can't sleep now!" He'd sigh but saw you fall asleep on his shoulder.

Riddle had picked you up and ran to the Hall of Mirrors to get you to Heartslaybul quickly so that nobody would have to worry about you or Trey for the matter of fact since Trey worries about everything.

"....Strawberry Tart....?" You muttered.

"...Y-Yes my Heart Rose...?" He'd look towards you.

"....I have a bad feeling....The second sister's power has already gotten too strong....I can feel it..." You had held yourself in pain.

"I-It hurts too much..." You'd let out a squeak of pain.

 "H-Heart Rose...!" He'd run to you and hug you but not too tight but just enough for you to not be in more pain.

!" He'd run to you and hug you but not too tight but just enough for you to not be in more pain

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"T-Thank you Strawberry Tart...That feels nice to be honset...just being in your warm arms..." You were now blushing uncontrollably

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