Red-Rose Tyrant (Part 10)

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You'd sigh as you'd be sitting in the lougue area with Riddle as both of you were drinking your daily tea as you'd groaned as you'd sigh still smiling.

"Are you sure about this Y/N..?  I don't want to see you hurt..." Riddle was worried for you.

"I'm fine my Strawberry Tart~" You'd smile ingoring the pain that the blot transfer had caused to you as you kept smiling for Riddle.

"No..Your hurt Y/N I can sense it..." Riddle was very worried for you at that moment as he'd sigh.

You and Riddle had contiuned chatting as it was getting late quickly as you'd hand riddle your teacup as you stood up. "I'm going to head to change now Riddle.."

Riddle nodded as he'd wait for you as he'd sigh. "I'm worried for you Y/N..."

You'd soon come back in your nightgown as you'd smile. "Here Riddle!"

Cater sighed. "I kicked the tart thief out of the dorm by the way Riddle~Chan! Is Y/N~Chan alright...? She seems hurt..."

Trey sighed. "...Riddle formed a lot of blot by overusing his magic so they did a blot transfer which means that the orangially person who gained the blot won't gain anymore...But one who recieved the blot is at risk to overblot..."

Riddle sighed. "Trey's right...We should keep a close eye on Y/N for now...We should head to sleep now..I'll let Y/N sleep with me...! Now everybody to their beds!" 

They all nodded and left to go to their rooms to sleep as Riddle had helped you go to his room as he'd smile. "Here...You can sleep with me in my bed..It's big enough for the both of us..."

You nodded and got into Riddle's bed with him easily falling asleep.

And now as you two slept together Riddle was blushing madly since he never had a female sleep with him nor royalty for the matter of fact this was his first time sleeping with a female

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And now as you two slept together Riddle was blushing madly since he never had a female sleep with him nor royalty for the matter of fact this was his first time sleeping with a female

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