Welcome to the Villains World (Part 5)

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You'd were walking to your class and it's a good thing you ran into Riddle right at that moment to tell him excatly what happaned outside as you'd approach Riddle.

"Riddle~Chan, You know that cat and the orange haired kid from our dorm yes? Well they used magic for personal reasons and thats highly aganist the rules...I think they deverse to paint 100 roses~" You'd finish as you'd look at Riddle waiting for his

Riddle turned to you flustered again as he could barely get his words out as he'd smile bowing to you. "...I see...I'll give them their punishment later....I won't let anybody bring down the image of this dorm..!" He'd turn away from you walking to his class.

Yuu glared at Grim. "It's your fault grim for fighting with that student! now we gotta wash 100 windows! You better not mess anything up!" Yuu was glaring down at Grim with a certain glare as Grim groaned.

"Speaking of which..MOP HEAD ISN'T HERE-" Grim shouted out in annoyance as he'd cross his arms. "LET'S GO DRAG MOP HEAD HERE YUU!" Grim had wanted to go give Ace a personal beating.

Ace groaned. "OUTTA MY WAY PEOPLE! THERES NO WAY I'M WASHING 100 WINDOWS!" Ace was shoving people to the ground to escape from punishment as he'd be walking to his dorm.


The blue haired guy nodded and dropped something heavy onto Ace as Grim had escaped when he had the chance. "SEE YOU SUCKERS THERES NO WAY I'M WASHING 100 WINDOW-"

You'd appear from behind the conor. "Escaping punishment now aren't we...?  Seems like you have a lot of learn now don't we~" You'd contiune "It's either you wash the 100 windows or i make you sign 100 documents with the my mother's laws~" You'd giggle towards them

the trio had glared. "F-FINE FINE-WE'LL DO THE WINDOWS I DON'T WANNA SIGN A HUNDRED DOCUMENTS-"  They'd run to the cafeteria quickly.

"Good choice~" You'd turn around heading to Heartslaybul. 

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