Usurper from the Wilds (Part 4)

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You and Riddle had carefully returned back to Heartslaybul after leaving the headmage's office as you both walked in the hallways.

"....Strawberry Tart..." You'd look towards him.

" You'd look towards him

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"Heart Rose....We've became far too leint with the rules....Though I agree that these sisters need to be stopped but we can't forget the rules and keep letting people off...!" He'd huff out in anger.

"Your right Strawberry Tart...But we can't allow ourselves to get too angry or I'll overblot again..." You'd mutter out before looking at him.

"Your right Heart Rose...But we can't forget the rules for heavens in the Great Seven...If we forget the rules your mother would be angry and kill us!" He'd sigh before crossing his arms.

"You mean we would be beheaded right Strawberry Tart...?" You'd corrected him.

"Heart Rose...We can't let anymore people off...We need to give them punishment because people in Heartslaybul keep breaking the rules!" He'd sigh.

We need to give them punishment because people in Heartslaybul keep breaking the rules!" He'd sigh

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You just then had a flashback to your Overblot as you stood there as tears fell down your eyes. "Strawberry Tart....Everybody in the dorm fears me now...."

He'd look at you as he knew excatly what you were talking about the day that you had overblotted and everybody was running for their lives as he was the one to save you.

"Because of your overblot...? Am I right Heart Rose...?" He'd add on to what you began to say connecting all the dots.

?" He'd add on to what you began to say connecting all the dots

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"...Of course it's about that Strawberry Tart....I nearly destroyed the entire dorm if you hadn't purified me Strawberry Tart..." You were now sobbing unable to control your words for even a minute.

"Heart Rose...It's alright...We'll talk about this in my room alright..? Come along now...We can't be late...." He'd pick you up Princess Style and carried you away.

"This lion man that master had sent me after will be perfect to set our fragile princess's heart ablaze again and for her to give in~"

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