Red-Rose Tyrant (Part 9)

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You'd knock on Riddle's door as you wait for him to open the door for you as you'd sigh waiting still.

"Riddle...? Are you alright? We normally have our daily tea in the tea garden...Riddle...?" You were slightly worried for Riddle as you opened his door knowing that it was unlocked.

"RIDDLE-!" Your eyes had widdenned in shock as you saw him infront of you but not as you remeber him as you ran to him setting the tea set on his desk.

"Come on Y/N! Let's dance the night away just the two of us! Won't this be fun~!" He grabbed your hands as he pulled you close to him as he held you in his arms

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"Come on Y/N! Let's dance the night away just the two of us! Won't this be fun~!" He grabbed your hands as he pulled you close to him as he held you in his arms. "Isn't this want you wanted Y/N?!" 

"R-Riddle...Why are you like that.." You had pulled yourself away from him as you'd sit down at his desk. "....Riddle...Why...Why do you look like that...?"

Riddle had then pulled you up from his desk chair as he held you close. "Why you say? Well because nobody would want to listen to rules from a Future Queen and a housewarden! So why don't we go to the Rose Maze together and dance forever and forever and forget about this low-life school!"

You shook your head. "Riddle...I need you to calm down..You've been giving too many punishments haven't you...! "

Riddle glanced at you. "...Y/N! I'm doing this for us for you! my Heart Rose!" He'd grip onto you tightly.

"....Riddle....Transfer your blot to me...It may be dangerous..But i think I can control it..." You'd look at Riddle.

"A-Are you sure Y/N...? This could be dangerous.." He'd look at you but he smiled.

"Yes I'm sure Riddle..."

You had approached Riddle as you'd press your lips into his allowing his blot to transfer to you as you stood there as you took a look at your royal specter knowing that the transfer had been completed.

You had approached Riddle as you'd press your lips into his allowing his blot to transfer to you as you stood there as you took a look at your royal specter knowing that the transfer had been completed

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Riddle had ran to you as he'd hug you. "...Y/N...Please be ok...If you go overblot I'll save you I promise...!" Riddle had grabbed both of your hands as he held them in his hands.

You'd nod and smiled towards him. "Thank you Riddle.."

~~~~~~~With da 4 idoits~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Cater sighed. "Since Ace and Yuu can't use magic they'll be painting with paintbrushes and buckets of paint, Deuce and Grim you can paint the roses with magic!"

They all began to paint the roses red as Yuu had went to her own rose tree to paint on her own since Ace was giving her a hard time as on the other tree all the roses turned different colors thanks to Grim.

"MYEH-THE ROSES-TURNED PINK-!" Grim shouted out in shock.

Yuu facepalmed. "It's alright Grim...You'll get better!"

Ace glared. "Cater! Is housewarden here?! i need to speak to him!"

Cater glared "Why did you bring and apology tart with you?"

"U-Uh No?" Ace exclaimed frightened a little.

"Then I'll have to kick you out...NO Apology Tart no seeing the Housewarden~" Cater waved as he kicked them out the dorm.

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