Red-Rose Tyrant (Part 11)

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You'd soon shutter as you'd look up as you'd look outside. "B-Black Roses...?! W-Whose doing this to the garden..." You'd tap Riddle lightly as he got up.

"Y-Y/N...What is it...?" He'd ask going over to you.

"S-Somebody's turning all the roses..B-Black..." You'd shiver in fear

"B-Black...?! Oh gosh...We should warn the others..Come on Y/N...This isn't your fault but some other force is at work...!"

Both you and Riddle had exitted his room as you turned on the lights to the loungue as Cater and Trey had woke up after noticing the lights.

A Mysterious voice had giggled. "Hehe~This will defiantly lead our Rose Princess astray and into our plot~"

Cater and Trey sighed. "...Riddle...? Y/N...? Why are you up...?" They looked at them

"T-The roses...T-They're turning black!!" Both of you exclaimed out together.

"B-BLACK?!" Trey and Cater exclaimed together in shock so loudly.

You both nodded as both of you sat down. "..We think theress some other force at work here...But we don't know what...But they seem to be targetting the roses since Y/N likes to paint the roses..." 

Trey sighed. "That seems reasonable...But why the roses...?"

The voice had came closer as it sang out. "As I destory more roses our little Rose Princess will overblot~

"T-That voice..It sounds like the shadows that kept haunting my dreams..." You shivered in fear as you hugged Riddle as tears fell down your eyes as Riddle hugged you back smiliing at you

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