Welcome to the Villains World (Part 4)

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You had awoke as you'd stand up as you got ready for the day changing into your royal dress that matched your mother's excatly as you'd exit your room as you were spotted by Riddle right away. 

"Y-Y/N! G-Good M-Moring...!" Riddle had approached you as he held out a cup of tea towards you as he'd put on a small smile as he bowed to you.

"G-Good Moring R-Riddle..." Your face was flustered as you took the tea from his hands as you sit down at the table as Riddle sat right across from you.

Trey had looked over towards the two of you. "...Seems like Riddle is feeling flustered by our little Strict Heart Princess~" He'd watch the two of you together.

Main Street


You were walking down the street carefully watching where you stepped as you soon walked up on grim and yuu and da two who are in the excat same dorm as you. 

"Just what do you think your doing~?" You had spoke out as you approached the group as you grinned.

Grim growled. "TAKE THIS MOP HEAD!" Grim had blasted flames towards Ace as Grim laughed. "MWHEHE~! TAKE THAT!"

Ace's eyes had twinched in anger as yours did the same as Ace spoke out. "M-MOP HEAD?!" Ace had sent out wind from his magic redirecting the fire towards the statue of your mother as it was lit a flame.

Your face just went completely red as you'd glare towards the idoits as you raised your voice towards them. "HOW DARE YOU TORCH THE STATUE OF MY MOTHER! BOTH OF YOU SHOULD LOSE YOUR HEADS!" You had pointed your magic specter towards them. "OFF WITH YOUR HEAD!" You'd seal off their magic since they were idoits and used it for personal reasons.

"Hmph, just wait til Riddle~Chan hears about this~" You'd giggle as you walked away from the two

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