Lucy vs Mr.S vs N/n vs....?!?! AND Doflamingo vs The Sins

Start from the beginning


The crowd went wild, the moment they have been waiting for us here. Top 3 are going at it with each other, whoever stands last will be fighting the one and only DoFlamingo!!! If they win, they'll get a big prize! The civilians are obviously excited, they're hoping to finally see a winner and look at the prize for the very first time—of course...they are unaware of what it could actually be...


"WOAH!! GO MR.S!!!"



"Tch! I could feel one of my ribs broken!" Gummy grunted out loud while Mint was busy kick boxing with the one and only DoFlamingo. Marshmallow was stuck on a bunch of rocks and tried to break out, but his giant head could only scream cursed words and boosted up his strength from anger, "You modafucker! You punch like a little bitch! GRAHH!!" He managed to get out of the rocks and run towards Doffy, punching him right on the face. "EEAGHAHAHAHAA!!" He laughed making Marsh grow a thick mark, he felt as if he was being made fun of by that bastard. Gummy struggled to get up slowly, but he fell to his knees and started coughing out a thick amount of blood, ' visions getting blurry...' he huffed loudly, this catching Mints attention. 'Shit!' The boy got nervous, he wasn't worried or anything—it's just the lack of power.

Even though those three really don't give a single fucks about each other, they're still a team. Somehow, there's still a little love firing a little speck inside their hearts with one another. They just choose to never admit it.

"Gummy, don't die here!!!"

Gummy widened his eyes Mints words kept echoing and had made him angry, 'Can't believe Im saying this, but that fucker is right!' Gummy clenched his teeth and forced himself up, "YOU'RE DEAD FLAMINGO BITCH!!!!"

Marsh smirked wide with an angry scrawl not liking the motivation quotes for shit, "HE'S MY PRAY!!!"

"Okay! The rules are simple, this a battle royal , between you three. The loss will only count knock outs, got it?" Lucy laughed while Mr.S nodded. You only gave the referee a thumbs up and he took all of it as a response. Now that he had finished the explanation, he ran out of the ring and gave the signal to the speaker, "ALRIGHT!!!! START!!!"

You hop to warm yourself up, you didn't plan to do so, but Lucy and Mr.S were warming up so you decided to follow along. Then you've noticed that Mr.S and Lucy were talking among each other, this earning a groan from such yourself. 'They're working together...'

"Luffy, I've seen her fight. She's no normal fighter, she can do a lot of crazy shit along the other..." Luffy huffed, "Yeah I know..." The two launched themselves towards you, this making you smirk and go after the two. 'How fun!!!'

"Tch, move out of my way!" The announcer raised an eyebrow at the Yelp of a woman behind him. One of his girls got pushed by an angry Diamanté, "Diamanté-sama?" Diamanté pushed the announcer aside and took his microphone, 'I ain't taking that fight as a lost!'


The crowd stopped cheering and turn to look at the new person talking through the mic. They were confuse as to why Diamanté was the one standing with the mic.


"What's going on?"

Diamante smirked at the attention being on him, but then he frown once he had notice that you and the other two didn't even bat an eye on him and continue fighting.

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