"That's why we need to keep going. He's gonna get hurt if we don't" Scott takes a second to regain his breathe.

The two of you continue, running up a steep hill as quickly as physically possible.

"Ethan, I always forget -- how many bones in the human body ?" Aiden smirks as he and his twin grab Isaac.

"I don't know. Let's count !" Ethan lifted his fist to break Lahey's kneecap.

"... That's one !" Scott punched Aiden in the jaw and you punch Ethan, breaking both of their jaws.

Ethan and Aiden growled, transforming, their eyes shining blood red.

You, Isaac and Scott growl back, fighting the urge to attack them instantly.

A scream brought the five of you out of your defensive positions.

"What was that ?" You questioned, Isaac and Scott followed you towards the source of the piercing scream.

"It's him, isn't it ?" Isaac glanced at the dead body with a grimace.

Five minutes later

"Hey, get out of the way ! Get back ! Get this area cordoned off before they trample every piece of evidence !" Sheriff Stilinski instructed his deputies.

"Back up ! Everyone back !" Tara pushed the group of students backwards, away from the dead body.

"Dad, just come here. Look, look ! Look at it -- it's the same as the others, you see ?" Stiles points out the three injuries.

"Yeah, I see that. Do me a favor ? Go back to school, yeah ?" Stilinski tiredly gestured for his son to leave the crime scene.

"Coach, can you give us a hand, here ?" The Sheriff asked the lacrosse and cross country Coach.

"You heard the man ! Nothing to see here. Probably just some homeless kid" Finstock helped the police department.

"Coach ?" Scott recognised the body as Kyle from last night when he disappeared.

"Yeah ?" Coach turned to his lacrosse team captain.

"He was a senior" You also recognise the dead body as Kyle.

"Oh ... he wasn't on the team, was he ?" Coach bites his bottom lip.

"Ahhh ! Kyle ! Oh, God, Kyle ! Oh God !" Ashley hysterically fought against Tara, who kept her away from Kyle's body.

"Go on ! Go !" Stilinski got everyone to step back a couple of yards to secure a perimeter.

"You see the way the twins looked at him ?" Isaac enquired as you, Scott, him and Stiles walked further away.

"Yeah, you mean, like they have no idea what happened ?" Stiles scoffed.

"No. No, they knew" Isaac attempted to convince you and Scott.

"The kid was strangled with a garrote, all right ? Am I the only one recognizing the lack of werewolf-itude in these murders ?" Stiles enquired.

"He has a point. A werewolf wouldn't go through all that for the pleasure of the kill. They'd do something simple. Tear the victims throat out or maul them to death. Three fatal wounds doesn't sound very werewolfy. Especially when it's a human versus an Alpha. It doesn't make any sense" You agreed with Stiles.

"Oh, you think it's a coincidence they turn up and then people start dying ?" Sarcasm dripped from Isaac words.

"Well, no, but I still don't think it's them ... Scott ?" Stiles looked to his best friend to agree with him and not Isaac.

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