Chapter 87: In My Next Life, I Want to Meet With You Again

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"People will grow old, and each person's prime only lasts for a short amount of time, maybe ten years or so. I hope that in that period, in what's considered the best years of their lives, they don't blindly choose someone as their role model and they are able to chase after someone who is worth being followed. Learn whatever they can from them, whether that be generosity, bravery, justice, that is the most meaningful......"

"There are too many negatives in this world, and each of us leads a different life, experience through different hardships, bringing our own thoughts and minds into this world, and then our personality, our burgeoning cleverness to go beyond gets ground down by life and disappears...... But humans must always look up and head forward, because if you have the willpower and strength to continue, it's not because of the people who will try and stop you on your path, but your journey is for that person that has always been waiting for you at the finish line."

"I don't hope that when my fans take a step outside into the world, others will say, besides looks and being good with words to refute back at people, their idol cannot do anything else...... To like, that is of logic and control, slowly turning excellent because of the other."

It was the first time that Chen Yi had said these kinds of words in front of the camera, and the female interviewer had been listening very intently, when he waved with his palms facing outwards,

"...... Actually I don't like to say so many words of common logic, because the majority of people know and understand yet they just can't do it. So it really depends on the person."

The female interviewer slightly nodded her head, signalling her agreement, and then she continued to ask,

"Actually, you and Fu Xiu Nian have quite a big contrast in personality, so much so that most netizens don't think well of your relationship together. Do you have any thoughts on this?"

Chen Yi: "Hmm, I know. They say that I don't look like a good wife."

This sentence coming from him made the room lose control and the female interviewer almost laughed out loud. But she only coughed lightly a few times and held it in,

"Just by seeing your interactions today, I actually think you both have personalities that fit quite well together. For two people to be together, a lot rides on being able to compromise, as after all happy or not, only you yourself will know. Just like drinking water, only you would know if it is warm or cold."

The show was at its end, and after the filming crew asked a few more short questions, the interview ended.

When Chen Yi walked out of the room, he saw Fu Xiu Nian's chubby nephew throwing a tantrum, rolling and wailing on the floor. His mouth kept yelling nonstop,

"No I won't go back nonono!".

Apparently Fu Si Ping had called and said that he was almost at their house.

The chubby kid was crying so pitifully and hiccuping as he wailed,

"Uncle, you betrayed me! You said you wouldn't call my dad wu wu wu!"

Fu Xiu Nian helplessly sat on the couch, letting him cry. And at this time, the doorbell rang and Chen Yi directly lifted the chubby kid up from the ground, saying in a tone filled with annoyance and disgust,

"The phone call was from me. Hurry up and leave with your dad."

The front door opened and outside stood a man dressed in a suit. His face was fairly similar to Fu Xiu Nian's and behind him stood two bodyguards. Fu Si Ping gave a greeting to Chen Yi and Fu Xiu Nian and then apologetically said,

"I've troubled you both today. I had a meeting I needed to attend, so I didn't have time to take care of him."

Fu Xiu Nian, with a slight headache, said,

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