Chapter 90: A Ghost Will Always Follow Its True Love, Never Willing to Leave

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Outside, it had begun to rain some time ago, and there were umbrellas of all sorts of colors popping up in the air, becoming the only color in this dark and grey world. While some had their umbrellas, others hastily moved along without one at all.

Five minutes later, Yan Yu walked out of the coffee shop, but as there was still some lingering pain in his body, his face that was already paler and whiter than the average human being looked even worse than before.

The system rang out twice.

[ My dear beloved host, this system already said that there would be an electric shock punishment, why wouldn't you believe it hmm ]

Yan Yu had only walked a few steps but he could feel his heart pounding and pounding. He leaned against a wall to calm himself down, slowly bringing his breathing and heart rate back to normal. Rain was pouring down and when he was almost half drenched, he wiped the water off his face. He first coldly laughed before his face pulled downwards in a dark look and he said,

"Motherfucker, how is it any of your business if I go find someone?!"

[ My dear, this system does not inhibit your freedom in marriage. You can find your own partner, but you cannot be a kept man hmm~ ]

Yan Yu: "If I can't be a kept man, why else would I go find someone to be with?!"

[ My beloved host, friendly warning, water is a conductor of electricity. ]

Yan Yu didn't respond and walked straight into the rain instead, drenching his black inky hair over and over again. His skin color was an unnatural shade of white, without a single hint of blood flowing in his body; only his pair of eyes, sharp and shrewd as ever, were like an untameable wolf.

When he arrived home, he didn't even change his clothes, only taking off his shoes before starting to flip through his cupboards and drawers for something. He found 200 yuan under his bed and another 372 yuan and 5 kuai in the pocket of some old clothes hanging in his closet.

Money was like buried treasure; if you just keep searching, there would be some somewhere.

There was a wooden desk silently sitting in the corner. Perhaps it was from the previous renter who left it here, but it looked very old with no end to the scratches and dents, oil and water stains galore. Yan Yu rarely used this desk, and whatever was tucked away in these drawers were things he would never touch.

Pulling the drawer out on its already rusted hinges, he exerted a great deal of effort before finally getting it open. Inside were all old, almost ancient, books related to the supernatural, with their covers all just about tinged yellow. There was even a spider resting on its web in the corner, and a musky old deteriorating scent began filling up his nose.

Yan Yu lit up a cigarette, and in the midst of the puffing clouds of smoke rising up to his face, he narrowed his eyes and flipped all the contents of the drawer onto the floor. Looking and scouring through the pile, he found not a single penny inside. He then pulled open the second drawer and inside was a yin yang cloth, used for street stalls, along with some copper coins and yellow talismans, and a series of items for repelling evil.

Yan Yu didn't spend any time looking at any of them, and with a bam, he closed up the drawer. He pulled open the last drawer and inside sat a stack of paper. The first sheet had two lines of numbers written on it, and below each number was a six pointed star shaped fortune telling diagram, with each of the cases complex and complicated. Drawn with pencil, there were many symbols and marks that were quite incomprehensible, and unfortunately, a lot had already been smudged.

For some unknown reason, Yan Yu didn't move after that, until the flame of his cigarette flickered out and its ashes fell silently onto the paper. He finally reacted then and reached out to flick them off, but it only made the ash fly over everything, making it even messier. In the end, he could only take the papers out to shake it off.

Don't be a Kept ManOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora