Chapter 3: A Date

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Lu Qi did not respond to his invitation. He took his jacket back, and from the pockets, pulled out a pack of cigarettes. A lighter lit up in the dark night, and as his eyes are consumed by the fire, he puffed out smoke. Looking like a hooligan,

"The university gates are going to close."

Huo Ming Chen did not think much of it.

"What are you afraid of? If anything comes out of it, I'll take the blame."

He suddenly looked a bit down to Lu Qi. Huo Ming Chen took out his wallet and threw a card onto the passenger seat, hinting at what he wanted,

"Hop in."

Huo Ming Chen didn't even finish speaking before Lu Qi quickly opened the door and picked up the card. In one smooth motion, he was already seated and plastered a perfect 45 degree smile.

"Thanks, I remember there is a Hunan restaurant nearby, and they taste pretty decent."


Huo Ming Chen started the car without speaking and throughout the entire ride did not give Lu Qi a glance.

[ Warning! Warning! ]

It started to ring inside Lu Qi's head.

[Detected behavior from the host that breaks the system's rules. Please return all items that do not belong to you. If it is not returned within the next ten minutes, there will be a severe electrical shock punishment and life points will be deducted. ]

Lu Qi's smile froze as he heard the warning: ......

Shit, how did he forget about this fucking system.

[ Countdown has begun, 10, 9, 8, 7 -]

His fingertip began to twitch. A silver bank card began its reluctant way back to Huo Ming Chen's jacket pocket in the dark. Lu Qi's face turned emotionless, and he suddenly realized that as long as the system was here, he was going to remain poor for his entire life.

The restaurant that they were heading to was quite faithful to Hunan cuisine, and the price was very acceptable. The place was surrounded by schools, so this place was always full. It was a coincidence that as the two went inside, a table had opened up.

"Steamed fish head with diced peppers, sautéd beef, sweet and sour pork, beef with coriander, as well as a bowl of tomato egg soup without green onions, a piece of pumpkin pie and 2 bottles of orangeade, thanks."

Lu Qi seemed to have eaten here many times, as he recited what he wanted without even looking at the menu. Huo Ming Chen crossed his legs as he stared at Lu Qi. Lu Qi could not tell whether Huo Ming Chen was happy or not.

"You're not going to even ask me what I want to eat?"


Lu Qi raised his head, confused. He can confidently say that what he just ordered was Huo Ming Chen's favorite dishes. Did his tastes change?

"Whatever. It doesn't matter."

Huo Ming Chen turned his head, feeling a bit helpless. This person across from him seemed to know his tastes well. No offense to them, but his parents might not even know his tastes that well.

The dishes were quickly brought to the table. Lu Qi used the tea to wash two sets of utensils. He was suddenly overwhelmed with emotion, wondering when was the last time Huo Ming Chen and he could sit this peacefully at a table to eat dinner.

"Their fish is pretty good, try a little."

Lu Qi first removed the bones from a piece of fish, and dipped it in the sauce. He gave it to Huo Ming Chen before slowly starting to eat his own share. His solemn demeanor felt out of place with the cluttered and noisy background of the restaurant. Huo Ming Chen couldn't help but stare, feeling that the person in front of him only cares for himself, and at the same time felt pity.

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