Chapter 86: You Are the Candy that I Have Been Looking For

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Adults already have a set thought process, a set of beliefs and concepts that guide their thinking, and have been set in how their brains process throughout their growth since childhood. So, in a split moment to process, it would be hard to change ingrained habits. Normal people who could ride on this backwards bicycle without falling flat onto their faces would have already been thankful to the heavens. It was not a surprise that the few in front had already been run ragged with their attempts, enticing the crowd to chuckle and laugh.

When it came to Chen Yi's turn, there were still a lot of tourists on site, watching the spectacle. When he went on the bike, he had at first started to drift sideways, but he was able to correct himself very quickly. With a "swoosh", he followed the straight line all the way down.


The crowd of people immediately started to bustle and Fu Xiu Nian followed along the noise with applause. The stall owner evidently did not think that Chen Yi could drive all the way through and very unwillingly scooped out a wrinkled up hundred yuan bill, handing it over with a terrible attitude. And then she continued to use her loudspeaker to call for other willing customers,

"Everyone, have you just seen this sight? This young fellow here has just done it. I haven't lied to you. Turn your five yuan into a hundred yuan! My bike has no secret, no special cheat, just as long as your limbs can move, you can ride it over."

With Chen Yi as an example, quite a few people were bolstered by the stall owner and they all wanted to try. At first, Fu Xiu Nian thought that they should be leaving, but Chen Yi went to the back of the line again, as if he wanted to try once more. Fu Xiu Nian bumped his shoulder and smiled as he asked,

"Ah, what if the stall owner wants to chase you off?"

Chen Yi squinted his eyes,

"Fall on the floor, cry and blame her for injuring me."

And so, Chen Yi went to try again. The elderly woman evidently could recognize him and her face turned extremely sour. With her actions rough and dismissive, she stuffed another hundred yuan into his hands and then raised up her loudspeaker to say,

"Those who pass can only try once. Only once. Everyone come take a look......."

Chen Yi received his ill-gotten gains and pretended to be dumb, and he purposefully asked her,

"How many times can those who don't succeed try?"

Fu Xiu Nian was afraid that he would get beaten up and without waiting for the elderly lady to answer, he quickly dragged Chen Yi away. There was a small shop beside the bicycle game stall, and the two of them went over to buy two instant noodle bowls and two grilled sausages. The owner of the place probably saw the camera crew behind them, and he didn't dare to raise the prices to be even more exorbitant than they were, only about a buck or two higher than the average in the city.

Time had passed very quickly, and it was already the afternoon. The burning temperature had finally faded a bit, and Fu Xiu Nian and Chen Yi found a place where there weren't a lot of people, crouching by the roadside to eat their bowls of noodles.

Fu Xiu Nian sighed in relief, saying with a very satisfied tone,

"So full. So happy."

Chen Yi bought him a yogurt drink and the more he looked, the more he thought that Fu Xiu Nian was an idiot. Crouching by the roadside, he looked far away and then suddenly said,

"Thankfully I haven't been transmitted the virus of being an idiot."

Fu Xiu Nian: "You yourself are the virus."

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