Chapter 50: Competition

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Chen Miao Ping's hands were in his sleeves, expressing the immovability of his views towards love through his posture and the expression on his face. With the warm tone of the burning lanterns, and this ideal image of a timeless man, it created a drastic comparison between the two men, highlighting Liu Zhen Hu as an ugly clown.

Women were naturally more easily susceptible to run with their wild fantasies, and with that undoubtedly attractive face of Chen Miao Ping and his deep poetic words of love, those naive and young girls who had just been sold into the entertainment district were completely mesmerized.

At this time, in a corner of the open space in front of the stage on the first floor, appeared a young man, followed by a group of servants. Seating himself in the corner hidden by shadows where no one was paying attention towards, his eyes locked onto Chen Miao Ping.

Up on the second floor, covered by translucent curtains that concealed the delicate clientele, were a group of extraordinary beauties looking down at the spectacle below them. They were the ladies of Chun Xiao House that one could throw away his entire fortune and never be able to catch a glimpse.

One of their maids said out loud, with a face full of yearning and naivety,

"Young Miss, that Flower Seeker is not only handsome, but also a rare man infatuated by love."

"There are too many men who are cold-hearted and flippant in this world, only using shallow phrases of love to take advantage of us. A pair of lips that can blur the lines of black and white, lying to girls to tear apart their bodies and use them up. You are young, and your ears are weak. You need to know that these words can never be trusted."

A woman garbed in purple poked her maid's head as she scolded her, her face as cold as a snowing blizzard.

A nearby young woman dressed in green coldly snorted in response,

"All he has is a mouth that knows how to sweet talk. Although that Liu Zhen Hu is not a good man, in my eyes that Chen Miao Ping is just average. Wang Da-Ge did not get on the rankings with his intelligence and broad knowledge, all because of these useless and worthless scholars who are parasites leeching off their in-laws! Just watch how I am going to take care of him!"

The expression of the lady in purple immediately shifted and she quickly held up her hands to block her,

"Xue Yi, no–"

But it was already too late.

The girl dressed in green had already peeled back the curtain and resolutely walked out towards the central hall, bringing a group of maids behind her. Her lips were bright red, a shining beacon between her white silky skin. In the middle of her eyebrows was a red beauty mark. Layered on with a green dress, she looked as if she was walking along lotus leaves, an angel walking on a lake of green, creating massive waves amongst the men. Every man stopped their movements, dazed by her appearance.

"Ah! It's Lady Xue Yi!"

"She normally does not show her face in public. What a rare occurrence today."

At her presence, even Liu Zhen Hu subconsciously threw aside the literary beauty in his embrace and locked his eyes on her. If you took a look around, there was only proof of the killing power of this woman. But Chen Miao Ping was the only one to unconsciously take a step back, feeling like this woman was coming at him with no good intentions.

And as expected......

"This girl has admired the Flower Seeker for a very long time, but she has never had the destiny for a fated meeting with him. Never could she have thought that she would be lucky enough to meet him by coincidence like this today. Indeed, the rumors were not wrong, the Flower Seeker is a man of smarts and good looks."

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