Chapter 16: Happy New Year

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Two bowls of instant noodles isn't really enough for two grown men, only enough to wet their appetite. However, as a night late snack, it's enough. They finished dinner and then as per usual, rolled around on their bed sheets for some fun. Living life to the fullest.

It was almost Chinese New Year, and tomorrow the school would officially be on break. In their last class, the minds of every student had already flown away, all talking about where they would go for the vacation, no one listening to the lectures. Lu Qi had already bought train tickets to go back home, and his heart felt unusually excited and eager to hurry back.

Finance courses ended quite early and Huo Ming Chen shamelessly ran to sit in the accounting classroom. The two of them were exceptionally handsome men, and attracted quite a few gazes to the back row.

Huo Ming Chen finished playing a round of his game, and turned his head to see Lu Qi spacing out. He was very evident in his daze, especially while the professor was lecturing in full force, hitting his stride on the topic at hand. Huo Ming Chen was suddenly curious and rested his head on his hand with his elbow against the table,

"Oh, a good student is not listening in class. Sitting here dazing off, what are you thinking about?"

Lu Qi returned to reality and slightly shook his head,


He was obviously brushing him off.

Huo Ming Chen's face visibly dropped into a frown, and he straightened up. He tapped his phone over and over on the table, not feeling very happy as he asked,

"What are your plans for New Year's?"

He actually really wanted to take Lu Qi out of the country for the holiday, but all his words were stuck in his throat when he heard Lu Qi say,

"Going back home."

Lu Qi seemed to have realized he was acting too distant and added,

"For the New Year's."

In his heart, Huo Ming Chen thought, of course I knew you would go home for the holiday, would you have gone to pimp yourself out instead? Although he still didn't feel great, he said very warmly,

"Do you need to buy anything for your elders in your home?"

Lu Qi did not dare to use his money,

"I don't think so. Everything should have already been bought by my mom."

The end of the year should be the season of harvest, but when Lu Qi thought about it, the money he earned in this half year has all been funneled out of him. He calculated the days, and thought about something. Then he suddenly pulled Huo Ming Chen towards him by the shoulder, and lowered his head to talk quietly.

Although it was an intimate action, since the two of them acted very naturally, other people could only think that they were just really close friends.

"My sister's job is too exhausting. My mom is not reassured with how her daughter has to run around everywhere. Would you be able to find a safe and steady job for her? She's quite intelligent, not bad at all, it's just that her education is a bit lacking."

Lu Qi has never asked for anything before, so Huo Ming Chen was stunned for a moment but did not deny the request. He thought hard for a bit before saying,

"It's not a big deal. I'll find something for her. Send her information and resume to me."

Lu Qi has been shocked with electricity by the system so many times that he has pretty much figured out the rules. He knew that as long as the benefits from using Huo Ming Chen were not for him directly, it's not considered breaking the rules.

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