Chapter 73: Filming

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Most celebrities would not personally head into the battlefield that is the internet by themselves to fight. They would normally choose to use the power of their fans to fight back, and so situations like Chen Yi were very rare.

Fu Xiu Nian had allowed and specifically made sure that notifications would pop up for Chen Yi's every activity. And so he had the pleasure to watch him personally and in real time roast the antis back the way they came, making them degrade into children and leaving them yelling curses as a final resort.

Perhaps a few days later, the Edited Sketches section would have a new topic to go for, and this time Fu Xiu Nian could even guess the title — << Those Years Chen Yi retorted back at the antis >>.

It had been a few days since Fu Xiu Nian checked on the official fan group page, and when he took the chance to, he was shocked to find the number that did not even reach a hundred break through the thousand mark and every minute was 99+ messages. There were even sectioned off groups.

When Li Su Li first signed her contract with GE, it was for twenty years, and now that she was fighting in the courts to break off her contract with GE, she was letting loose all the unimaginable news and also at the same time, selling out the image that she was pitiful.

With her image of being so pitiful contrasted by the despicable and deplorable image of GE, the tide was slowly turning her way. Even with GE buying a lot of bot armies to support their side, they were still on the losing side. This also meant that Zhou Ming was too busy to even deal with Chen Yi.

Nonstop monster killing noises sounded in the living room and it didn't seem to be stopping anytime soon. Chen Yi finally threw his phone to the side and rocked his head around to stretch it. He asked Fu Xiu Nian,

"What are we eating tonight?"

These last few days he had spent most of his waking hours with Fu Xiu Nian and only when evening came would he head back home to spend time with his sister. This way, not only did he successfully avoid Chen Xiao Meng's three meals of the day, he could take care of both sides. A perfect solution for everything.

Fu Xiu Nian sat on the couch, with his laptop in his lap. His webpage was all in english characters and hearing this, he sped up his typing speed. When he successfully sent the file he was working on, he closed his laptop and asked,

"What do you want to eat?"

"I don't know."

Chen Yi lazily rested on the couch, scrolling through his phone. His side profile made him look like a handsome child and when he talked, he elongated some syllables, making it feel like he was just fending Fu Xiu Nian off.

Fu Xiu Nian silently looked at him but did not successfully get any of Chen Yi's attention. He couldn't help but crouch right in front of him, and with both of his hands on his knees, he asked very seriously,

"...... Chen Yi, say it honestly. Are you with me because you pity me?"


Chen Yi raised his eyebrow slightly and turned his gaze away from his phone,

"Do I look like I'm that generous of a person?"

Fu Xiu Nian was silent for a moment before replying,

"...... I always feel like there's no difference between me and any other person in your heart."

Chen Yi was not used to showing off any of his feelings on the exterior and even if he liked someone, they would not see him act more gentle or different to them. Even normal interactions would not show a single hint of that. No matter what, his face would always show off that cold conceited expression, like the roaming adventurer in games, never settling down. Ever since the start of their relationship, Fu Xiu Nian had never felt safe after that initial happiness.

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