Chapter 78: << Life Changes With a Dance >>

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After Chen Yi grabbed his last meal1, << Minister >> was nearing its end. This drama had started filming from the middle of summer into late fall, and after being together for so long, a camaraderie would naturally be formed. The filming crew organized a large wrap-up party with everyone and at the dinner everyone lifted their glasses together, wishing each other a successful future.

Director Kong privately patted Chen Yi's shoulders, saying some advice to him that was very meaningful in a certain way,

"Young man, keep up the practice and improve yourself. There will be a day where you will come up on top. Keep this kind of heart and your future will be brighter than today's. Hopefully we will have a chance to work together again."

Cen Qing's acting was not bad, but his few smarts were not used in the correct place. Director Kong was not a young man anymore, and so he had never seen eye to eye with newcomers coming into the entertainment industry. Acting skills? None. Actual skills? None. Even Chen Yi, at first he didn't really like him, yet as time passed, he found that he was really the most level headed, understanding one of them all.

Chen Yi respected those seniors who were good and had virtue. Although he didn't really plan to stay in the entertainment industry for long, he still listened and took in the advice.

After the dinner party was over, everyone went their separate ways, continuing back on the paths they decided to take. Chen Yi and Fu Xiu Nian had scheduled to take the same flight and they arrived back at about 3 in the afternoon. Because this was not publicized, fans did not know.

When they were filming, their home had been unoccupied for so long, and all the furniture was covered in a layer of dust. Chen Yi flippantly used a cloth to wipe down the sofa before immediately lying on top of it, arms and legs wide open, and let out a comfortable sigh.

Fu Xiu Nian had recently become extremely attached, liking to stick to Chen Yi whenever possible. Seeing him like that, he also dropped right beside him, snuggling into him silently. His head nudged him slowly and softly, with strands of his hair feeling ever so ticklish on Chen Yi's skin when he moved. The moment Chen Yi lowered his head he was met with eyes glimmering like obsidian. He felt as if he was holding a cat in his arms and raised his eyebrows to say,

"You're not cleaning up?"

Fu Xiu Nian was too lazy to move right now and snuggled in even deeper while clinging onto him like an octopus,

"Yi-Ge, can I count on you?"

Chen Yi said very honestly,

"Don't count on me for these kinds of things."

Fu Xiu Nian slipped his hands under Chen Yi's shirt as he heard that. His fingers were slightly cold, gently pressing on Chen Yi's muscles. Lifting his head to look up at him, his voice brought on a tint of seductiveness,

"Can't you pretend it's for exercise?"

Chen Yi didn't even get a chance to respond before he heard a vibrating sound. Blindly reaching around the sofa for a while before finding it, he took one look at the caller id and tossed it to Fu Xiu Nian,

"Your call."

Fu Xiu Nian took a look and he didn't avoid Chen Yi, answering the call right in front of Chen Yi. Chen Yi didn't really listen closely, but his ears could faintly catch words relating to "admitted at the hospital".

Fu Xiu Nian's face froze up slightly during the phone call, but he answered the caller with some comforting words. He hung up and stood up from the sofa as he said to Chen Yi,

"My uncle was admitted to the hospital last night. I need to go and see what is going on. No one knows the full situation yet."

Chen Yi followed him up,

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