Chapter 91: This Life is Extremely Hard, May You Recognize It Soon

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Hidden away in the streets and alleyways of this city are many spirits and ghosts, including those who are full of discontent and hatred. Just because you cannot see them does not mean that they do not exist. If a human is weak or often sick, their "yang" energy thins out and these malicious ghosts would have the chance to come leech on to your body.

Yan Yu felt like there was a sense of "yin" energy behind his neck and it was most likely because he had used his lifeblood to draw the talisman. So, from suffering a loss of "yang" energy, he attracted a few ghosts to himself. He did not pay it much mind, however and instead, hurried his steps to go back home.

Quietly sitting in a corner of the room was the cardboard box full of items Yan Yu had been given, and he himself was sitting on the edge of his bed, staring at the credit card. There must be quite a large sum left in it, he thought to himself. If he turned it all into joss paper gold ingots, even a few vacation homes wouldn't be enough to hold it all.

Yan Yu asked,

"Let me save a thousand for myself to hand in my rent?"

[ Not possible dear ~ ]

Yan Yu backed up a step,

"...... 800?"

[ ZZZ— ]

Yan Yu: "......Fine, I understand. I'll burn this for him tomorrow."

[ My dear host ~ How obedient hmm ~ ]

Yan Yu walked to the bathroom and closed the door behind him with a bang,

"Obedient your fucking mom."

The room became quiet, and there was a long period of time without even the sound of the footsteps going up or down outside in the stairway.

The curtains on the window were swaying along with the wind, and the bright white wall lamp out in the hall was twinkling along as well. Yan Yu seemed to sense something though, and after he showered, he prepared to head out.

Only, when he passed by the half body sized mirror hanging on the wall, he paused in his footsteps, and for some reason, turned back around.

The steam in the bathroom had not dissipated yet, and the mirror was still fogged up, only able to faintly see an outline and approximate facial features.

Maybe he was just being oversensitive, but when he had dried off his body, Yan Yu felt like he saw someone else's face reflecting back in the mirror......

He suspiciously stared at the mirror and raised his hand. The person reflected back also seemed to follow along perfectly. However, Yan Yu narrowed his eyes slightly and kept still in this position.

Then he covertly used his fingertips to measure the height of their hands, and found that the person in the mirror was actually shorter than himself. If you were not looking closely, you would almost never find out.

Following the cold air seeping into the bathroom, the fog on the mirror was slowly fading away, and the reflection was slowly getting clearer. Just as the face in the mirror was about to reveal itself, Yan Yu suddenly turned away and left the bathroom.

This building did not have good feng shui1. The layout was cramped, which made it very easy to attract evil spirits. There used to be a lot more people living around here before and with that boisterous lively "human" air, this was able to be suppressed. But as the neighbouring buildings were slowly being dismantled, what with all the ash and dust rolling together and becoming a part of the normal air quality, quite a few residents have already moved away.

There were some supernatural events that could not be avoided, but there was no real reason to look at things too closely. Ghosts can create mirages to arouse the deepest fear inside humans, and the more you lose your mind from the fear, the easier it becomes for them to seize their chance.

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