Chapter 76: Filming Starts

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Following this yell, others started turning towards where Chen Yi was standing, with faces of happy surprise. As they flipped their signs that very clearly stated his name over to face him, Ling Dang said,

"Xiao Yi-Ge, it looks like they are your fans."

Hearing this, Chen Yi was silent for a moment before saying,

"...... Anti-fans?"1

Ling Dang held in her laughter and said,

"Although they are dressed quite dark and moodily, they should be real fans."

Following Chen Yi stepping closer to them, the fans who were just enthusiastically yelling his name suddenly felt like they had overstepped their boundaries and all of them started to quiet down. Only using their pairs of shining eyes to watch him. There were even some who had brought professional cameras over to take photos of Chen Yi.

"Yi-Ge! Do your best! Jia You!2 You're the best!"

"We've been waiting here since very early this morning. Thankfully we were able to see you."

"Acting in period dramas in this kind of weather can be very hot. Make sure to take care of yourself. I bought you a small fan and some ice cold temperature stickers!"3

A fan took a small bag out of her backpack to give to Chen Yi, but perhaps she was a bit too nervous or perhaps her hands were too slippery as her phone flew out of her backpack when she reached in. Just as her eyes noticed it falling out and about to hit the ground, a hand suddenly caught it right in its palm.

"Here. Hold it well."

Chen Yi flipped his hand over and returned the phone. Underneath his cap, his eyes still held a bit of that coldness, and the fan who was still out of her senses, immediately blushed bright red up to her ears upon meeting his eyes. She passed the bag of gifts over as she accepted her phone back,

"Thank you, Chen Yi."

Chen Yi hummed an acknowledgement.

He was all too used to other people's malicious actions and so at this moment, he really didn't know what kind of attitude he should be displaying to his fans. But regardless of his exterior attitude, he was very accommodating to their requests. Those who wanted a picture, he took a picture with. Those who wanted an autograph, he gave his signature. Those who wanted to play rock, paper, scissors, he went to battle with them. This made the group of fans yell out in their hearts, what an unexpectedly cute personality underneath his stoic exterior!!!!

When Chen Yi finally reached the hotel after his flight, it was already almost evening. The filming crew had someone pick him up and when he was given the keys to his room, he checked the room number first. Finding that Fu Xiu Nian was just right beside him, he immediately became overjoyed.

Fu Xiu Nian had arrived earlier than Chen Yi by about half an hour and he was currently kneeling by his suitcase on the floor, taking things out and organizing them. When his room door was knocked upon, he could tell who it was from the rhythm and the strength of the knock and quickly went to open the door.

The door had only been opened a tiny inch, and before Fu Xiu Nian could even look at the person outside in the face, he was being hugged. Chen Yi used one hand to wrap Fu Xiu Nian into his embrace and the other to shut the door closed. Hiding him as he moved further inside, Chen Yi bombarded him with a show of actions that was just as arrogant and dominant as he usually was.

"You arrived quite early...... And you're still organizing your clothes?"

Fu Xiu Nian laughed as he knelt back down on the floor. When Chen Yi didn't let go of his waist and even started to tickle him, he quickly said,

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