Chapter 60: Settling Dust

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The next day, the Emperor passed down the decree: all those who had tried to revolt and stormed the Imperial Palace, Li Qin Wang, Sun Tong and all other commanders, will be executed; all others involved will either be jailed, executed, exiled, or be assigned the rank of untouchable, depending on their involvement and crimes as listed. It was a decree that spanned and encompassed many, creating a situation where no one knew who was safe.

That day when Li Qin Wang's estate was confiscated, boxes and boxes of gold, silver, jewelry and other expensive and rare items were flowing out the entrance of the estate nonstop. It took three days to even count and log them all.

On the other side of the city, the entrance of the West Market Street was full to the brim with the criminals awaiting their execution. Among them were quite a few high ranking officials, and there were hundreds beheaded that day. It had been many a year since this kind of scene had appeared in Da Jin.

After those who needed to be punished were punished, it was time to grant rewards to those that deserved it. But Chang Guo Gong rejected all gifts and recognition, saying that it was the heavens who had protected them instead, showing the power of the son of heaven.

When they were battling against the Liao Empire at the city gates, the heavens had suddenly dropped two thunder gods, blasting the ears of everyone, and killing off numerous soldiers on the enemy's side. Then when the assistance troops rushed to save the Imperial Palace but were blocked in front of the entrance, it was the thunder gods being released again to help them. Otherwise, there would have been no possibility to so easily kill Li Qin Wang and be there in time to save His Majesty.

The Emperor didn't believe it at first, thinking it was an excuse to reject the reward. But when he sent someone to investigate, it was discovered that there was a metre long deep pit, with the surrounding dirt fried off into hardened, black clumps. It did indeed seem like it was hit by lightning, and in the end, the Emperor had to take back the reward and changed it to worshipping the heavens instead, thanking them for their help and protection.

Chang Guo Gong and his estate had already reached the max height of the Emperor's trust and love. To give them more was impossible, and it was not necessarily a good thing. The Emperor naturally knew that in his heart, but because the Xie family laid down their lives to come save him, at the very least, he must show an attitude of gratefulness.

How Xie Ping Zhi died was not very glorious, and the funeral wasn't widely broadcasted, more low profile than anyone would even know. Except for Chang Guo Gong sighing to himself, only his birth mother, surname Liu, would truly cry out of her heart.

After cleaning up the fallout of what happened, it was already the end of the month. The Emperor dictated another royal decree, electing the Royal Consort of Brightness as the Empress, to be in charge of the Inner Palace. Even Chen Miao Ping was to "receive the benefits" as Xie Yu Zhi said the Emperor seemed to want to raise his rank.

"Promote me? There's no need. This position as a city warden inspector is pretty good. The salary's just enough to feed my family, and I can even save up some money to buy some new cloth. Over the new year, we can even order some new clothes to be made for us. That's already stronger than the average commoner by a lot."

Xie Yu Zhi was dressed very plainly, only in a robe of white, in accordance with the tradition for respecting the dead. Despite this event, his gloominess seemed to have dissipated, and his features were being brought out, with his aura being more at peace than ever before. Although he had little ties with his little brother, Xie Ping Zhi, he still followed the rules and rites to the tee, making sure he never did anything over the line in order to respect his death.

Hearing Chen Miao Ping say this, he asked,

"Is promoting your ranked position not good? Any possible position you get promoted to  would be better and more powerful than being just a tiny, tiny city warden inspector."

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