Chapter 43: Meeting the Emperor

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Xie Su Zhi used her hand to hold her head up. The thin strands of her luxurious hair swayed slightly as she moved, briefly hiding the side of her face as if it was jade glimmering in the dark. She reached out her other hand to count,

"That year he became the laughing stock of the party, so perhaps he went back and powered through his anger. This noble consort remembers that three years ago he tried the exam, but he didn't qualify for any ranking. Apparently Wu An Hou made him bow before all the known teachers and scholars at the Zhi Wen Institution. I didn't think that he would actually make it this year."

The maid laughed,

"This is called rewarding those who worked hard!"

Xie Su Zhi gave a soft "hmph" before saying,

"I, this noble consort would rather he be more stupid. If his rotten personality was not fixed, this kind of man going into court to be an official is only to the detriment of all the common citizens."

Chen Miao Ping and Xie Yu Zhi were led by a maid inside into the palace and they just heard that phrase. Chen Miao Ping's footsteps paused for a second, thinking that this noble consort was a straight ball.

The maid glided over to Xie Su Zhi and bent her knees with a bow,

"Noble consort, Second Master and Gu-Ye have arrived."

Xie Su Zhi was just getting invested in the subject at hand and had not notice the both of them enter. Once she did however, Xie Yu Zhi was already in front of her and beside him was an attractive young man with a face that was definitely above the average person. She couldn't help but take a few glances.

"With respect, we greet the noble consort, wishing you a long and safe life."

Xie Yu Zhi and Chen Miao Ping were just about to do their bowing but were stopped. Xie Su Zhi made a stern face, purposefully showing that she was unhappy and said,

"We are all part of one big family. What are you doing, completing such worthless and empty gestures when you arrive here at Zhi Feng Palace? You won't call me your elder sister after marriage?"

Xie Yu Zhi couldn't help but laugh,

"My elder sister, what kind of words are you spouting out? This is only because we cannot be found lacking in our manners."

Xie Su Zhi gave him a look,

"Who knows when you suddenly started following the rules to the letter? Just take your seat now."

And then she turned her gaze back to Chen Miao Ping, looking at him from head to toe and then from bottom to top again, slowly taking in all the details. She complimented him half heartedly with a bit of truth intertwined,

"This must be our Flower Seeker of this exam period. Definitely one of excellence, with a good aura. This noble consort has not seen such a fine gentleman for quite a few years now. Our dear Yu Zhi does have a good eye."

Chen Miao Ping helped Xie Yu Zhi sit down and smiled as he heard this. He waved his hand saying,

"Noble Consort, you compliment me too much. Since its inception, this capital is bloating with the amount of excellent scholars. And me, I have not done anything to deserve this reputation. Not to forget that there is the first rank examinee above me. Miao Ping as a simple Flower Seeker cannot be considered very important."

Xie Su Zhi took in his actions under her eyes and internally nodded her head. She fixed her collar while thinking before responding,

"Which does remind me that you should be given something to do now. Han Lin Academy is a fairly fine place, but there are a lot of little things to be done. You look like someone who is intuitive, so it is a bit pitiful if you are not even a seventh rank official in such a place......"

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