"Welcome Madam" Everyone said and a party cracker popped just near me and I flinched as I stepped a bit back while my foot entangled with another and I was falling back.

"Ouch" I shrieked but before I could fall, two arms supported me.

"Great start Ms. Mittal" He mumbled as he made me stand properly.

"Are you okay madam?" Maria, my secretary asked

"Ah, yes!" I muttered

"History repeating itself" Aunt Emily spoke and I looked at her and then realisation hit me.

"Ah...what? " Mihir asked

"No.. Nothing" I said and moved ahead.

"God, you people scared me! Yet this is so cute. Thank you everyone. Will cut the speeches short and simple. We're family. Work family. And what family does is to suport each other. That's what I want. We've to make B & M, the best and it's position should just rise and shine. So, I'll always be there if anyone needs any helps related to work but in return I want 1000% results from you. Clear? " I asked

"Yes madam" Voice in unsion came.

"Thank you. Back to work now" I commanded and soon everyone disperesed.

I looked around the whole office and the memories of this office building came in front which were enoromous.

From toddling days till teenage, I remember coming here with dad & mom.

I looked at Mihir who was looking at everyone while...

Well, why is every woman looking at him.

God, they're so shameless... Oggling him like this.

I coughed a little to show my presence, especially to the person who was looking at everything and everyone amused.

"Maria" I said but no reply came.

"Maria, the sced.. " I spoke turning around just to find her looking at Mihir without a blink.

"Mariaaa" I screamed in her ear and she flinched

"Ah.. Yes. Yes madam" She mumbled

"The schedule for today" I demanded and she nodded handing me the same.

"Well, this one meeting is going to last long" I said looking at Mihir who was already looking at me.

I raised my brow when he too did the same.

"What? " I asked

"Seems like it's going to last forever" He said and looked at him confused.

"Ah, nothing.  My team is here. And, Well, you see I've many works to do. I've some video conferences to attend to." He stated

"So? " I asked

"So, get to the work Isha" He huffed and I nodded chuckling.

"Maria, I want the heads of real estate department, Finance department, infrastructure & designers here in five minutes" I instructed and she nodded

"Madam, you're the head of finance itself" She said

"Oh yeah. Sorry" I bit my tongue while she smiled nodding.

"Maria, connect to my office too" Mihir told her &  she looked at him again with dreamy eyes.

Does she want to get fired?

Really Isha! Jealous are we?

Oh please! Not at all!

"Isha" Mihir snapped his finger and I looked around to find Maria already gone.

"And Then I Met You"Where stories live. Discover now