Calum, the insecure kiwi boy!

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"Hey Cal?" I ask Calum, he was paying attention to class and missed the whole texting convo, he could have easily read the whole thing.

"Yeah?" He asks, glancing at me for a second.

"Do you want to come over to mine for dinner? Ashton is cooking." I ask him, he nods happily and then pulls his phone out of his thigh high socks and texted his parents I assume.

"I'll drive you home after dinner." I tell him when he frowned, then he smiled and texted again.

"Can I ehm, I can go dressed like this right?" He asks me, I held back the smirk that I felt coming up and just simply nodded. Ashton is going to go crazy!

"Hey ehm Calum?" Luke asks as Calum and I walk out of the school building, Luke grabbed Calum's wrist so Calum turned to look at him.

"What?" Calum asks, I could hear the sadness in his voice even if he was scowling.

"I ehm. I just wanted to ask if you were ok? Have people been nice to you?" Luke asks him, Calum scoffs.

"I've been fine, thanks to Michael. You'd have been fine and happy to for years if you'd just accepted who you were and became friends with Michael. He's very caring and protective and scary when he needs to be. Can you let me go now, I'm going to Michael's for dinner." Calum says, pulling his wrist away from Luke. Luke looks over at me so I smirk at him.

"Just imagine how things would have been if you'd shown up in a pretty little skirt on your first day, how many times we could have fucked by now." I mutter to him, he blushed and then turned and ran off quickly.

"Must you do that?" Calum asks.

"Oh just wait until he opens his locker tomorrow morning." I reply with a smirk, sometimes getting up at 4.30 with Ashton is good so I can get to school early.

"What are you talking about?" Calum asks me.

"You'll find out, come with me to the stores before we head home. I need to buy something." I tell him.

After we went to the stores and Calum and I argued a little about my idea, he finally gave in of course and then he giggled and said Luke would love it at home.

"Honey, I'm home!" I yell as I walk into my place, Calum followed me in slowly, he looked a little uncomfortable so I grabbed his hand and pulled him with me.

"I made spaghetti! Who did you bring, Max? Paul?" Ashton asks.

"No, come out here and meet my new friend!" I called over to him, he walked out of the kitchen and froze on the spot, looking at Calum, Calum tightened his grip on my hand and then he moved to hide his face against my chest.

"Ash, put a shirt on." I tell him, he looks down at his sweats and then he ran to his room.

"You can look again now Calum." I tell him.

"How could you do this Michael! Damn it, now I... And he's seen me like this and my hair is a mess and I look like a bag of poop!" Calum mutters to me.

"His dick thought otherwise." I told him, Calum swatted my chest with his covered hand and then he went to sit down, covering his face with his sweaterpaws.

"Don't be so shy Calum, he thinks you're hot!" I tell Calum, which made Calum groan.

"Don't want to be hot!" Calum whispers.

"You're not hot." Ashton says, startling us both, I was about to glare at Ashton but he was looking at Calum like I look at pizza.

"You're the prettiest boy I've ever seen." Ashton says, Calum gasps and I look to see him blushing like crazy.

"Michael, I would have liked it if you told me you were bringing such a beautiful boy with you, I would have put on a shirt." Ashton tells me, I shrug and then walk to go get our food.

"I like your sweater, it compliments your eyes." I can hear Ashton tell Calum, he knew exactly what to say to Calum and I could just imagine the blush on Calum's cheeks.

I went onto tumblr as we sat down and noticed Luke hadn't posted a new picture, which got me a bit worried.

PunkAssBitch: No new picture today?

PenguinLover: Leave me alone Michael!

PunkAssBitch: seeing your cute outfits always makes me smile though :S


"What's with the frown?" Ashton asks me, I look up at him and shrug, grabbing my food and going to my room. I left my phone on the table with Ashton because I didn't need it anyway. I sat down on my bed and ate my food, then I lay down. I could hear Ashton and Calum giggling so I put my headphones on and played my music, I didn't need them being this happy  right now.

I grabbed what I bought for Luke and smiled as I pictured him wearing it, he'd looks so cute. He'll hate me for this in the morning but I knew that when he got home later tomorrow night he'd put it on and he'd blush and he'd show his mom, with the biggest smile ever on his face well he'd show part of it to his mom.

AN/ Cashton met!!! What do you think Michael bought for Luke? Do you think Luke is going to give in to Michael since Michael already made him blush earlier??

Here's some good news to go with the bad news of my other stories ending, this already has 37 chapters and I'm not even close to an end yet because we're just getting to the actual smut in chapter 37 :p

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