Princess' Ball

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AN/ Aah finally time for the date!! The date is a few chapters long since it's the last chapters of this story before the epilogue so enjoy!

Third person pov

Michael took Luke to the 'Princess' Ball' that was going on that night, Luke knew the tickets to get in must have cost a fortune, also the necklace wasn't cheap and neither was the ticket here so Michael must have spent a lot of money on this. It worried Luke a bit, this money could have been used for something else, something more important.

"I know that look Luke, stop thinking and worrying." Michael says, he steps up to the hostess and she looks over Michael and Luke.

"Reservations for Clifford." Michael said, the hostess looked over the paper and smiled before putting a cross behind their names.

"This was also reserved for you Mr. Clifford." The girl says, handing Michael a cushion with a tiara on it.

"Oh it's not for me." Michael says, he looks at Luke and Luke was blushing like crazy as Michael grabbed the tiara and put it on his head, He was happy Luke had left his hair down for tonight.

"You know you'll always be my princess but tonight everybody can see it." Michael whispers as he grabs Luke's hand. Luke giggled and kissed Michael's cheek before thanking the hostess.

"You two look adorable. You're so pretty." The girl says to Luke, making him blush more. When they walked in Luke frowned a little, seeing all the little girls in princess dresses but also a few teen girls in dressed too, all of them looked more beautiful than he ever would. He saw parents that gave them disgusted looks as the hostess lead them to a table near the back.

"Looks like you're embarrassed to be here with me." Luke joked as they sat in the more secluded area, the booth giving them a view of the stage and the dancefloor.

"Maybe I didn't want any of those teenage boys or older men looking at my princess." Michael replies, shrugging as he folded the napkin over his legs.

"What was the real reason?" Luke asks, knowing Michael picked a booth at the back for a reason.

"I knew you'd get uncomfortable if people stared at you, so now they can't. I didn't want you being uncomfortable throughout our entire meal." Michael admits, looking at Luke with a nervous look and his teeth biting into his bottom lip.

"Thank you Michael." Luke says, placing his hand on the napkin covered knee of his boyfriend.

"You're welcome Kitten." Michael replies, Luke moves the tiara on his head a bit before looking down at the menu but Michael pulls the menu out of his hands and gives them to the waiter that has shown up. The guy looked over at Luke, Luke smiled at him, hoping the guy won't call him disgusting.

"You look beautiful tonight Princess." The waitor says after spotting the tiara on the gorgeous blondes head.

"Thank you." Luke mumbles.

"I've already ordered everything." Michael tells the waiter, the waiter nods and then walks away after giving both Luke and Michael a smile and a nod.

"At least he's nice." Luke muttered, he glanced over at the stage as soft violin music was playing.

"Disney Princesses are showing up soon and singing a song." Michael informs Luke, Luke smiles and looks over at Michael.

"You can sing along if you like, just for me." Michael says, he puts his hand on the table with his palm facing up so Luke puts his hand in Michaels, entwining their fingers.

"Only if you sing with me." Luke says, Michael blushes and shakes his head.

"Is that a blush because you don't want to sing or you don't want to admit you know all the songs?" Luke asks Michael chuckles and shakes his head, not removing his hand from Luke's as their meals get set down before them.

"Michael, I need my hand to eat." Luke complains as Michael starts eating but he doesn't let go of his hand. Michael lets go reluctantly so Luke kisses his cheek before starting to eat. Luke admired how Michael ate like a dude, he could never do that. Luke ate nicely with a knive and a fork, with his back straight as he ate, Michael however had his legs spread a bit, his one hand on his thigh as he used the other to eat, cutting whatever he could with his fork instead of his knife. Michael seemed to notice the difference of their eating ways and he coughed a bit embarrassed.

"Sorry I don't eat out fancy very often." Michael apoligises.

"It's fine, just be yourself." Luke assures, he liked how Michael wasn't fancy at all, he liked the fact that under that blazer and shirt there were tattoos covering his whole body, he loved how Michael refused to take out his piercings even if they were out eating at a 'Princess' Ball'. I guess they looked like an odd couple but Luke knew they'd never be a normal couple. They'd always be odd, nomatter where they were.

"Michael?" Luke asked as they'd finished their meal, Luke hadn't eaten all of it but it was just because he was nervous and Michael said there would be dessert so he didn't want to be full or feel bloated.

"Yes Kitten?" Michael asks.

"Do you think we're odd?" Luke asks.

"I know we are, just the more of a reason I love you, I love us." Michael says, Luke grabs his hand and runs his fingers over Michael's knuckles.

"I was thinking of going to college, like myself." Luke tells Michael.

"That would be amazing baby." Michael says.

"I'm just worried, about being bullied." Luke admits.

"I'll come over there and beat the shit out of anybody that dares even look at you wrong and I mean both in the bullying and the admiring way. No asshole will hurt of flirt with you." Michael says, Luke giggles because Michael sounded so serious when he spoke.

"Look the princesses are coming out." Michael says, Luke looked over and saw the Disney Princesses walk out, first Cinderella, then Aurora, Belle, Snow White, all of them up on stage. They sang their songs one by one, Luke singing along with all of them and Michael secretly mouthing along all the words as he looks at his boyfriend beaming with joy as he watched the Princesses twirl around with their Princes.

"Why did none of the Princes have tattoos or piercings?" Luke asks, looking over at Michael.

"Because tattoos and piercings aren't a good thing for most people." Michael told Luke.

"But they're hot." Luke mutters, shrugging as he looks back at the stage. Michael smiled and thought how none of the Disney Princesses were boys, they should do that too. Make a movie where the lead is a Prince that meets another Prince, or meets a boy. Either way, Luke wasn't a Prince anyway, Luke was a Princess, well he was Michaels queen.

When the princesses stopped singing all the kids were sat on the dancefloor. Luke watched them intently as Michael watched Luke. Kids asked the Princesses questions, all about how it was to be a Princess and to how they looked so pretty. It was all normal until one little girl asked a question that made Luke uncomfortable.

"Are only girls allowed to be princesses?" The girl asks.


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