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Luke pov

"Look at the two little fagots." A voice called, Luke knew that voice, Calum knew that voice. Their hands immediately laced together because yeah Luke used to be tough he pretended to be, he didn't pretend now, he didn't lie about who he was or what he wore. He was terrified, terrified of the fact him and Calum got into College, terrified that he decided to be himself for once, terrified because he's been verbally abused since the start of the year. They were 4 months in now, Luke was afraid it would get physically any moment now and he couldn't deal with that, he couldn't let Michael know. Calum and Luke had told their overprotective boyfriends that all was ok, they told them they were fine , with no bruises to show any kind of bullying the guys believed them. Michael and Ashton always left early for work. They both now worked in the gym right outside of town and Luke and Calum went to College in the town over from their parents so of course Michael and Ashton moved. With Michael and Ashton paying for rent and food, Luke and Calum's parents send them monthly money for 'rent' that was always used on make-up and clothes.

"What the fuck are you wearing?" Jackson, their main bully, asks them.

Luke felt hands on his shoulders and the moment he feared most had arrived as Luke was harshly pushed against the lockers, heard a thud and a whimper from next to him and the fact he was still gripping onto Calum's hand tightly let him know that Calum had suffered the same fate.

Luke held his grip on Calum's hand, pulling the brunette closer to him, he wanted to protect Calum, so he did just that, he stepped in front of Calum. He held Calum behind him as he looked up at Jackson.

"Leave us alone Jackson." Luke said, happy he didn't stutter.

"Or what you're going to get your faggot boyfriends to hit us? Bet they'd complain about their manicures." Jackson laughed.

"Just go Jackson." Luke huffed, he wanted to seem strong but he was so close to crying from the pain in his shoulder.

"Don't you fucking tell me what to do faggot!" Jackson growled, he grabbed a hold of Luke's sweater. The salmon colored fabric being crumpled in his grip.

"Talk to me again like that and I'll break your face, then I'll fuck up your little friend Calum and then when your gay ass whimps of a boyfriends come to try and help you out I'll beat the shit out of them too." Jackson hissed, Luke nodded quickly, hoping it would get Jackson to leave them alone. Of course that wasn't the case as Jackson punched him in the stomach before smirking and walking away.

"Luke! Why'd you do that?" Calum asks, he wrapped his arms around Luke, holding the boy up.

"You don't deserve to be touched like that Cal." Luke mutters, his stomach hurting now.

"Neither do you! Oh Lukey, you're in pain. Michael is going to see that!" Calum exclaims.

"Then I accidentally got hit by a ball during gym ok and I do deserve it." Luke replied.

"Are you crazy? Michael will know that's a fist and why do you think you deserve it?" Calum asks, he helped Luke over to their classroom and sat down next to him.

"Let's hope he doesn't and or else I'll tell him I'm not feeling in the mood until the bruise is gone. Remember what I used to do to Michael, I deserve this Calum." Luke muttered, Calum was going to argue with him about that but Luke shushed him and kept doing so until Calum gave up.

"Who the fuck did that to you!" Michael yelled, he'd walking in when Luke was changing his sweater, Luke quickly hid his chest and shook his head quickly.

"WHO DID THAT TO YOU!" Michael screamed angrily.

"N-nobody I g-got h-hit with a ball during g-gym. Acc-accidentaly." Luke stuttered out, cursing at himself for doing so.

"You know I hate it when you lie to me Luke." Michael sighs, he shakes his head and closes the door, letting Luke get changed. Luke thought it was over with that, that Michael wouldn't ask until it happened again and Luke was going to make sure it never happened again.

Yeah let's just say Luke was wrong, Michael was in NO way what so ever about to ignore the bruise on his boyfriends beautiful body. Michael swore to injure whoever touched his Kitten so bad that their own mothers wouldn't be able to identify them.

Michael ignored the bruise for the rest of the night, ignoring it as they lay together and cuddled, he didn't mention it at all and that's because Michael knew Luke wouldn't tell him the truth. He hated it that Luke lied to him, but he hated it more that Luke was in pain and Michael couldn't fix it.

"Goodmorning faggot." Jackson called as Luke and Calum stood by the lockers. Luke's hand started shaking because he knew Jackson wasn't going to let him off with some insults today. Luke was getting ready to be pushed up against a locker but he heard another body slam to the locker next to him before Jackson even touched him. Calum was still right next to him and the brown eyed boy gasped loudly.

Luke looked over, staring at the bright red hair that was in front of him. Michael.

"If I ever see my boyfriend come home with a bruise ever again or hear that you've called him any kind of degrading name I'll come here and fuck you up so bad even plastic surgery won't help you and I'll swear you'll not ever be able to even speak another word to anybody after I'm done with you!" Michael hissed, his arm was pressed against Jacksons neck, the guy's feet dangling above the ground. Jackson was gasping for air, fear evident in his watery eyes. Michael looked extremely terrifying, with his muscle tee, showing off his tattooed arms, his tattooed arms that had Jackson pressed up against the locker.

"You touch my Kitten and I swear so help me god I'll end you." Michael growls viciously, his voice full of anger and hatred and Luke had never been so turned on in his life.

Michael dropped Jackson, the guy falling to the floor as he gasped for air. Michael turned to Luke, stepping up to him and grabbing his hips. He pulled Luke against him, smiling at the gasp that left Luke's pretty pink lips.

"If anybody every hurts you again, you tell me. I'm warning you Luke, lying to me is NOT good and you will get punished for it." Michael says, the last bit obviously in a whisper so nobody else could hear him. Luke nodded quickly, a whimper leaving his lips as Michael grabbed the back of his neck and slammed their lips together. Luke grabbed a hold of Michael's tee, trying to steady himself as Michaels tongue skillfully roams his mouth.

Luke would have screamed if he could when Michael turned them and gabbed Luke's thighs, pulling him up and pressing him against the lockers. Luke would have screamed, but Michaels mouth muffled any noises coming from him. Luke wrapped his bare legs around Michael as Michael grabbed his ass to make sure his skirt was still covering his ass. Luke's hands moved to Michael's neck, his right hand grabbing his neck as his left fisted the back of his tee.

"M-Michael." Luke whined as Michaels lips went to his neck, sucking harshly on the pale skin.

"M-Lion p-please, I c-can get expelled." Luke whimpered, Michael bit Luke's neck gently before leaning away, setting his Kitten on his shaking legs.

"I'll pick you up later for our date, Kitten." Michael says, then he turns around and walks away with Ashton following behind him after letting go of his own boyfriend. Luke had to press himself against the lockers to steady himself, his legs still shaking and his heart racing. He looked over at Jackson, the guy looked up at Luke and then struggled to get up before running off.

Luke looked over at Calum, both of them smirking smugly before giggling and entwining their hands as they walked to their next lecture. Luke and Calum didn't get bothered after that because who'd be stupid enough to bother the 2 cute guys who's boyfriends would kill you without hesitation for even looking at them wrong?

AN/ This story is officially over. I hope you enjoyed it, I want to thank you all for reading this story and voting/commenting!!!!! I will miss updating this and writing for it but I have other stories to focus on now too and other things as you all know if you've been reading my AN's at all. I want you all to at least have enjoyed this epilogue or well at least not hate me for ending it this way or so randomly. I love you all so much for being here for me and reading the crap I write ^^ #GoodbyePenguinLover #GoodbyePunkAssBitch

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