Can you handle the truth?

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The day passes fine, until lunch that is, Calum came to sit with me and I could see Luke didn't like it.

"Hey Calum." I whisper, Calum nods at me, he looked uncomfortable in the ripped tank he was wearing, I noticed that during class too.

"Hey Michael." He replies.

"You don't look comfortable." I tell him, he looks up at me worriedly and then shrugs.

"I'm fine, I'm comfortable." He lies.

"I can tell you're lying. If you want to dress differently then you do that, I'll be there for you." I tell him, he shakes his head quickly.

"You want this?" I ask him, I pull out a big sweater that I had as a spare in my locker because sometimes Luke would dump his lunch on me.

"Why would I want that?" He asks me.

"Because you look cold?" I question, he frowns and looks over at Luke, then he grabs my sweater.

He pulls it over his head and sighs as he makes sweaterpaws, it was one of my fave sweaters but I only kept it as a spare because then it wouldn't get dirty during lunch. It was a black one with a leaking skull on it.

"I love it." Calum whispers.

"You look really pretty." I tell him, he blushes and I knew that's what he wanted to be called.

"Shut up, guys aren't pretty." Calum retorts. I smile and then he giggles, he quickly puts his hand over his mouth, staring at me with his big brown eyes.

"Well if guys aren't pretty, then you must be a princess." I tell him, his eyes light up and I can tell he's blushing.

"Shut up man." Calum says, swatting at my shoulder with his sweater covered hand.

"Hey, should you really be hitting me after I so nicely let you borrow my sweater?" I ask him, pouting at him, he blushes again and shakes his head.

"I feel much better wearing this, thank you." Calum says, Calum then gasps and I felt something cold seep down my back.

My eye started twitching as I turned around and saw Luke holding up a can of cola.

"Oops." He whispered, this was it. FUCK THIS SHIT.

"Oops!" I yell, slamming my fists on the table, standing up and turning to face him.

"You fucking ruined my hair!" I yell at him, running my fingers through the now sticky and wet hair.

"Sorry, faggot did I ruin your outfit?" Luke asks me, I grip his shirt and bring him closer to me.

"Watch out before I ruin your whole face." I hiss at him, he just smirks.

"Try me gayboy." He replies.

"I know you look good in red lace panties, but a bloodred isn't your color, don't make me break your cute little nose, PenguinLover." I whisper in his ear, he stiffened up and so I stepped away from him. I pulled my sweater off, revealing my naked torso. I heard gasps from all over and whispers about how I was hot, I smirked as I turned to Calum.

"Give me that back tomorrow, I don't think people will mind me walking around shirtless all that much." I tell him with a smirk, he was gaping at me and he nodded quickly at my statement.

"Now, I need to go wash my hair out." I state, a few girls came up to me and asked me if I needed help washing my hair.

"I'm sorry girls, but I prefer guys hands." I tell them, I look over at Calum, he gets the hint and he stands up to come to me. I text Ashton to bring me a shirt after his hours because Luke dumped his drink on me. To which Ashton answered that I should dump the tumblr bomb on him, of course I told him I did.

AN/ So yep, Luke knows the truth!! How do you think he's going to react? Do you think he'll leave Michael alone from now, will he still want to talk to Michael? What about the rest of the school, how will they react to Michael being all punk rock with tattoos and stuff??

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