Luke, the confused boy

978 66 105

Luke pov

PunkAssBitch: seeing your cute outfits always makes me smile though :s

I read the message over and over again, each time feeling little ballerina's doing pirouettes in my abdomen. What was Michael doing to me? I can tell he's planning something, he's planning the perfect way to out me, the perfect way to humiliate me like I've humiliated him for the past years. I know he wants revenge and he's just leaving me to sit here and wonder what, still being nice to me to put me off track. He wants me to put my guard down, then he'll come in like a tornado and ruin everything. This, this is the calm before the storm and I won't wait for it, I'll be prepared for whatever he throws at me.

Lucas Robert Hemmings won't go down without a fight!

"Luke baby? Are you ok, you haven't changed?" My mom asks, she sits down next to me on my bed so I just curl up more into my covers.

"I don't want to be like that anymore. I'm not doing it." I tell her.

"What do you mean Luke?" She asks, I can hear how worried she sounds.

"I'm not dressing up! I'm not doing that, I won't be shamed and I shall not be humiliated." I tell her, feeling myself getting angrier.

"Luke, sweetie, what has gotten in to you? Everybody loves you just the way you are." She tells me, I sigh deeply, I can't tell her about Michael, she'll call the school and technically Michael hasn't done anything bad yet. YET.

"Just boy trouble mom, nothing important." I tell her, she sighs.

"Do you like him and you're worried about what he'll think? What about that online guy?" She asks me.

"It is the online guy. Mom I really don't want to talk about it right now, I just need to clear my head." I tell her, she nods and then leaves, she knows that I'll tell her in my own time and I'm happy she's not pushing anything.

I woke up the next morning, again not caring what I wore so I just got dressed, left my hair down and put my glasses on. I had lenses now but I didn't care, I just didn't care anymore.

When I walked into school people looked at me and some asked me since when I needed glasses, I ignored them all, heading to my locker. I saw Michael and Calum on my way there.

"And he's so sweet Michael, thank you so much! I love you so much, so so much! Oh he has the cutest dimples and he calls me pretty and I just... Ugh!" Calum says as I walk past them, Michael is smiling at my bestie. Did Michael introduce Calum to somebody? To his roommate maybe? Why is Michael being so nice to Calum? I noticed a pair of eyes on me as I got to my locker, when I turned around and saw Michael looking my way I got scared, what did he do to my locker? Did he put panties in there, would they fall out when I opened the door? I looked over at Michael and he frowned when he saw how sad I looked but he didn't look away.

I opened my locker slowly, nothing fell out but when I pulled the door open further I spotted a little bag in there with a note stuck to it.

'For my cute little kitten xoxo PunkAssBitch'

I looked over at Michael and caught him blushing a bit, I was blushing myself from the petname that I liked so much, how did he know? Biting my lip I opened the bag, feeling myself blush even more at what was inside, little kitten ears, the fur sort of matching my hair and a fluffy blond tail to go with it. I looked over at Michael, trying to hold back a giggle. He winked at me and then left, to say I was confused was the least. My mind was reeling, what did this mean? Why would he get me this? Does he still like me? No of course not, this is him teasing me, that false sense of security he wants to give me before breaking me into a million little pieces. I pushed the bag into my locker and then grabbed my books, wishing for this day to be over already.

AN/ So Michael got his Kitten something cute :p Do you think Luke will wear his ears and tail? Luke is confused right now because he doesn't like Michael but he's blushing and he's giggling and he just feels confused at how he really feels atm but trust me the confusion will be gone soon enough ;p

I'm doing a CA, if you haven't read Cliché or Inhumanly Handsome you don't know how this goes because I don't do it the usual way. You put a comment with #AskLuke or whoever you want to ask a question to and I reply the answer to that on your comment. This way I don't need to upload a whole new thing for the answers. If you have any questions about any chapters you just put #Ask and the name of the person because you could only have a question for a specific chapter and I'll reply to all the questions that I can ^^ Warning, the answer might not be of any help what so ever :p

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