All Luke needs is a cubicle and his lips

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AN/ This is a double update for all my readers who's hearts I broke with Cliche and Inhumanly Handsome, I know this doesn't make it better but I hope at least you hate me a bit less :(

THIS CONTAINS SMUT!!! (yeah I said it)

During lunch I watched as Michael and Calum laughed at whatever they were talking about, my eyes lingering on Michaels dark pink lips. How could his lips be so dark, maybe it was his pale complexion? Maybe it was the constant bloodflow because he bit his lip a lot, he also licked them a lot as I've noticed. It was amusing to watch him wave his hands as he spoke and seeing how he shoved food in his mouth, not caring about how messy he looked yet he never seemed to get any food on his face.

I felt somebody looking at me so I shifted my gaze from Michaels lips to Calum, he said something to Michael and he turned to look at me, before I could look away he winked at me and then swiped his thumb over his lips, bringing my attention back down to them. I licked my lips and wondered how they would feel pressed against his, they looked so soft but I knew his movements would be rough. I don't understand how I could dislike him so much but that anything he did actually facinated me to the point where I -

"What are you blushing at Luke?" Somebody asks me pulling me agway from my thoughts, I gulp as I feel my boxers getting tighter. I looked up at Michael but he was no longer looking at me.

"I ehm nothing. I need to pee." I exclaim, getting up and rushing away from the table, I can't believe I just got hard in the middle of lunch.

I ran into the closest men's room and slammed the door shut, then I locked myself in one of the cubicles.

"Please go down, please go down." I beg, willing my mind to picture anything other than Michael.

The door for the toilets opened, making my heart pound faster in my chest, there was a knock on the locked door.

"Occupied." I mutter, hoping my voice wouldn't give away that something was wrong.

De door to the cubicle next to mine opened and before I knew it there was a thump and Michael was standing in front of me.

"GET OUT!" I yell at him, he shook his head and pressed me up against the plastic cubicle wall.

"Let me help you, Kitten." Michael whispered, he kissed my neck and then ran his fingers under my tanktop.

"No Michael, just go." I whisper to him.

"I won't tell anybody Kitten, just let me help you out. I've wanted my lips on you for so long now." He whispers back, his voice raspy and his lips touched my skin as he spoke, well who was I to say no to that.

"O-okay." I stutter out.

"You've got to be quiet though babe." He says, his green eyes staring into my blue ones, I nod slowly so he smiled at me and pulled my tank off. He started kissing down my chest so I ran my fingers through his hair, he hummed as he left open mouthed kisses down my left hipbone. I leant my head back, gasping at the cold air hitting my erection. I had to bite my lip in order to keep the moan in that threatened to come out as soon as his lips were on me, I didn't dare look down at him because I knew I'd not hold back the sounds or arousal if I looked at how his lips wrapped around me. I could feel his eyes on me as his tongue swirled around and I whimpered at the feeling of his tongue grazing my slit.

"Shit, Michael." I whispered, my voice wavering, my breathing uneven. His fingers dug into my thighs lightly but then they moved to my ass and I banged my head on the wall as a means of shutting my sounds out.

"Don't hurt yourself Kitten and shut up, don't want everybody to know what a slut you are. Letting me suck you off in the cubicles in school." Michael whispered, then his tongue slid up my length again, the words he spoke to me making me tug at his hair and my cock just started to hurt because of how hard I was.

"Please, Michael." I begged him, needing him to finish me off.

"Begging are we now? Will you be a good little kitten and make a picture of you with your cute ears and tail, then I'll finish you off." He says, I nod quickly, not even thinking about what he could do with that picture, all I needed was release right now.

"Good Kitten." Michael said right before wrapping his lips around me again. His fingers dug into my ass and then I felt a finger at my hole. Mentally I was begging him to not do it because I'd not be able to hold back the sounds if he did, too bad he couldn't read minds. I put my fist in my mouth and bit down on the skin of my hand, successfully silencing the noises.

I spared a glance down at Michael and then wished I hadn't, his green eyes looking up at me, lust filled and adoring at the same time.

"Michael." I screamed out, as I came. I muffled the scream with my hand but Michael had still clearly heard it. He stood up, licked his lips and then kissed my neck once more quickly before unlocking the door and stepping out.

"5 minutes until class starts, Kitten." Was the last thing I heard before the door closed and I had to hurry to grab my things and get dressed again.

AN/ I have heartpains, the good kind! Whehehehe Muke Smut!! Oh and Luke was still wearing glasses while this happened ok (this is important for a further chapter) Do you guys hate me a little less now? and for all the people not reading Cliche and/or Inhumanly Handsome I hope you enjoyed this random double update :p

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