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AN/ Sorry for the late update, I'm trying to see about getting more drama in this :p drama will start soon!!! But it's probably going to be the last drama since I'm actually planning the end of this :S 

Luke pov

Calum wasn't happy that I'd left him alone for lunch but when I whispered to him why I wasn't there he giggled and told me I was such naughty boy.

"So where did Michael go?" Calum asks, as we sat next to each other in class.

"He's suspended so he had to sneak out again but he said he'd be waiting outside later." I tell Calum, he nods and then sighs happily as he plays with the zipper on his short salmon skirt.

"Can I ask you something?" Calum says once our class is over and we're walking to our next class.

"Of course Calum, you can ask me anything." I tell him, he nods and then grabs my hand, making me stop walking.

"Are you, you know, ready?" Calum asks, he licks his lip and then bites it nervously.

"What do you mean?" I ask back, he shrugs.

"Like for you know, sex." Calum whispers, I frown at him and then pull him with me to the bathrooms. Checking nobody was there and then looking at him.

"Are you?" I ask him, he shrugs again.

"Has Ashton tried anything with you?" I ask, he shakes his head quickly.

"He said he's wait for me, he's so sweet huh? But when I think about that Michael and Ashton. They did it you know, with each other because they needed to get laid, as they said. So what if I wait to long and Ashton gets needy?" Calum whispers, he shivered so I wrapped my arms around him.

"He's not going to touch you if you don't want it." I assure him.

"He knows that you and I, that we used to help each other out. So I'm thinking maybe he wants something from me. But I don't know yet, I'm really into him but I guess I don't know if it's that serious, what if he's not serious?" Calum asks, we heard the bell ring but we just both ignored it.

"Ashton likes you so much Calum, I can tell. You do whatever you feel comfortable doing." I whisper to him, running my hand up and down his back.

"Was I good? Like I don't suck at it right? I mean I suck on it but I'm good though?" Calum asks, I giggle and nod at him.

"You're really good, Ashton is going to love it." I tell him, he nods and then hugs me tighter.

"You don't have to do anything you don't want to do ok Cal? You're a princess and Ashton should treat you like one." I say.

"He does, he treats me like a princess and it's so sweet!" Calum says, giggling after.

"I think I'm ready, but I might wait for the date to tell Michael that." I admit to Calum, he looks up at me.

"How do you know if you're ready?" He asks, this time it turn to shrug.

"You just know it Calum." I say, he nods and then we decide to just stay in the bathroom for this period and then we'd go to our last period.

Once our last period was over I rushed to my locker and then outside, excited to see Michael. He was leaning up against his and Ashton's car, with Ashton next to him. I ran up to Michael and wrapped my arms around his neck, he grabbed my ass so I jumped and wrapped my legs around his waist. Michael turned and put my down on the hood of the car.

"How was your day baby?" Michael asks, running his fingers through my quiff.

"Boring without you." I admit, he nods and kisses me gently. His soft lips felt so nice against mine, I'm never going to get over the sensation that is his lips.

"Do you have homework?" Michael asks, I nod and sigh as his hands move to my hips and he leaves them there. I noticed Calum and Ashton were making out with Calum pressed up against the passenger side door.

"Will you come over later?" I asked him, he shakes his head.

"I'm sorry baby, I've got stuff to do." He replies, he kissed me gently one more time before stepping away from me and helping me off of the hood.

"We can give you guys a ride home." Ashton offers, I look up at Michael and he winks at me so of course I started blushing. With Calum sitting in front next to Ashton I had to sit in the back with Michael, meaning I sat on Michaels lap so my legs had more space.

"What have you got to do?" I ask Michael, he doesn't look at me but he's staring out of the window intently.

"Stuff, don't question me." Michael replies, I nod and then look down at his hands, his fingers entwined with mine and I liked how well they fit together.

We stopped outside my house so I got out of the car, Michael walked me up to the door.

"Text me yeah Kitten?" Michael asks, I nod and kiss him on the lips, he smiles and pats my ass gently so I move away.

"Take a cute picture for me today yeah?" Michael questions, I nod with a blush creeping up my cheeks and before I knew it Michael had jogged back to the car and they drove off.

AN/ it has started, Michael has 'stuff to do' what kind of stuff do you think he means? He's gonna get mysterious over the next few chapters as the drama builds up ^^ 

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