After org*sm giggles

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"I'll make the pain go away ok, Kitten?" I whisper, he bites his bottom lip and gulps so I press my lips to his, I'm not sure if I should hate or enjoy the whimper that comes from his lips. I wasn't sure if he was hurting or he liked my kiss. I licked his bottom lip, he wasted no time opening his lips for me and letting my tongue dominate over his, I guess he did learn a lesson.

When I removed my lips Luke, made the cutest little whimper/moan mix and I smiled as I kissed down his neck. I tugged my sweater up a bit and ran my fingers over his erection. He hissed as I slid my thumb over his slit.

"Did that hurt?" I ask him, he shakes his head.

"F-feels so good." He whimpers, his hand grabbing onto my arm as I start pumping him slowly.

"Faster, faster please my Lion." He begs me, the nickname he gave me made me bite my lip as to keep my smile at a minimum. I pump faster and then move down, he gasps as I kiss his tip, his hands finding their way into my hair. I look up at him and then frown, stopping my movements.

"No, please no!" He whimpers.

"Just a second Kitten." I tell him, I grab his kitty ears and put them on his head, making him giggle, but I still frown at him.

"What?" He asks me.

"Are you wearing contacts?" I ask him, he shakes his head.

"I took them out at home, I only need them to read, why?" He asks me, I grab his bag and starts ruffling through it, he didn't even protest against it. I found what I was looking for, a dark blue box, opening it and finding his glasses in it.

"I know I'm not supposed to question you about anything sexual but does that also count if you're messing with my glasses?" Luke asks me, I chuckle and shake my head.

"Yes it counts too, if we're in the middle of anything sexual you don't ask questions but this time I'll allow it just because you let me go through your bag. I like your glasses on you and I want you to wear them while I give you a blowjob, from now on everytime, you will wear these glasses." I tell him, he nods and lets me put his glasses on him. I wasn't planning on telling him why I liked it so much.

"So cute Kitten, you could use glasses with a beige rim though." I tell him, since the black just didn't go with his outfit and I knew he didn't like it if it didn't go with his outfit.

"If I could afford some then I would, I've already gotten a pink a green and a red pair, my mom said she wasn't paying for another pair." Luke says, blushing.

"Well I want to see you wear the other pairs too!" I tell him, he nods slowly and then glances down at his erection, but he doesn't say anything.

I move to the end of the bed and sit down by his feet, then I pull them apart and start kissing up his left leg, I had to grab hold of his legs so he would stop trying to close them.

"Oh Michael." He moans softly, his fingers running through my hair.

"Yes, Michael, oh yes!" He goes on moaning as I get higher and higher, I pulled his panties out of the way and deepthroated him without warning. Luke actually screamed my name at that point, his hand tugging at my hair as he arched his back and I noticed his legs bent too.

"AAAH MICHAEL!!!" He screams as I suck gently, he came with long moans of my name and as I swallowed everything and then licked him clean he slumped down and wiggles around, giggling as I pull his panties back up right.

"Move over with your legs, Kitten." I tell him he sits up, with shaky arms and pulls his legs up so I pull the cover up and get under it, he lay down next to me and then turned to look at me. I took the kitten ears and his glasses off, placing them both next to my bed.

"Thank you." Luke whispers to me.

"For what?" I ask, he blushed and then put his sweaterpaw hand over his mouth as he giggled. I almost cooed at him for that but I kept it with just a smile as I put my hand on his waist and pulled him against me. He moves closer and brought his lips to right next to my ear.

"For the blowjob." He whispers, then he giggles again and hides his face against my chest.

"Are you always this cute after you get pleasured?" I ask him, he giggles some more and then shrugs.

"I don't know, nobody's ever pleasured me before." He admits, he looks up at me and bites his lip.

"I'm pathetic I know, I felt this happy in the cubicle too but you ran off too quickly to know." He says, I chuckle at him and kiss his head.

"I like it, you're just too cute." I tell him, he sighs happily and wraps his arm around me.

"Can I maybe get a goodnight kiss?" Luke asks me, looking up at me with his big blue eyes, I entwine my legs with his, making him giggle again.

I kiss him, feeling him smile into the kiss. I didn't deepen it thought because it's a goodnight kiss and they have to be sweet and tender.

"Goodnight Kitten, sweet dreams." I say to him, he looks up at me sleepily and nods slowly.

"Goodnight my Lion." He replies, he then pressed his cheek against my chest and ran his fingers up and down my back a few times, the touch giving me goosebumps but there's no need to admit to that. I ran my hand up his back and then ran my fingers through his hair, holding his head against my chest and that's how I fell asleep, with my Kitten in my arms. 

AN/ So ehm, do you guys know why Michael likes Luke to wear his glasses??

I am putting up and important note on my page after updating all my stories, so please go have a look later ^^

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