I still love him

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"Lukey?" A voice called softly, I groaned and rolled over.

"Little bro you know you're buttnaked right?" Jack or Ben asks, I was to tired to tell.

"Frick off man! Michael showed up last night while I was out and I want to wollow in self pity." I groan again.

"Ok but I'm covering you up and cuddling you, mom does not need to see your ass." He says.

"She's changed my diapers, she's been my butt." I reply, he chuckles and then I felt a quilt being pulled over me and then strong arms wrapping around me. Ben. I knew it was Ben because he was slightly buffer than Jack and wore a different cologne.

"Hey Ben." I say to him.

"Hey baby bro." He replied, he started running his fingers through my hair as he sighed deeply and then hummed Barbie Girl to me of course this made me giggle and Ben chuckled before continuing to hum.

I fell asleep again, a nice and blissfull sleep.

"Morning sleepyhead!" Ben muttered as I woke up again.

"You stayed?" I asked, he nodded and rubbed his eyes, he must have fallen asleep too.

"You want to talk about last night?" He asks me.

"No." I reply.

"Jack went to get cookie dough ice scream and sprinkles." Ben says.

"Ok fine! If you're going to bribe me with Ice cream!" I exclaim, wrapping my arms around him.

"Yeah and also he might be getting you that big ass sweater you wanted." Ben says, gosh my borthers spoil me.

"Awww no way! He didn't have to!" I say, looking at Ben with wide eyes.

"My gift, Jack is just getting it." Ben says, I hug Ben tighter until Jack walks in.

"Get dressed Eve, nobody need to see your junk." Jack says, throwing the sweater at me. It was this huge pink fluffy sweater with a blushing penguin on it.

"I LOVE IT!" I scream, pulling it over my head.

"I tried it on, because I know you'd want it big so I got like the biggest one there. The store clerk stared at me like I was crazy so I twirled around and asked her if I looked like a pretty princess." Jack says, I giggled at him as I stood up and grabbed some pink panties, pulling them up my legs.

"So, what happened?" Jack asks, I sat down between him and Ben and Jack gave me my ice cream.

"So like this guy totes tried to drug me or whatefs so Ashton had him in this headlock whatchamacallit and told this guy to drink whatever he wanted me to drink. Ashton bought us our drinks and warned us not to drink anything he didn't give us so I wasn't even planning on drinking it, I'm not stupid! After this guy left Ashton and Calum went back to basically dryhumping on the dancefloor. Some guy grabbed my hips but I was ok because I knew it was Michael, but it wasn't my Michael. This Michael, he was high and he dealt drugs, like right in front of me and then told me it wasn't safe for me there. He told me how good he thought I looked though, it still gives me butterflies when he compliments me, anyway yeah we left after that happened because Michael said it wasn't safe for me there. I don't understand thought like why wasn't it safe for me and why is Michael suddenly dealing drugs and stuff? Ashton said he started because he wanted to buy me something really amazing or whatever but like, since we broke up he's not quitting cause it earns good money. Why did he have to do that? Do I come over as needy? I mean I didn't need him to get me anything and stuff. It's my fault he's in this and I feel like..... like trash. Is it my fault?" I ask them, looking at Ben and then at Jack.

"No, it's not your fault Lukey. Michael does what he wants, he chose this." Jack told me.

"Don't blame this on yourself and it was good that you didn't drink that drink and that you left when Michael said it wasn't safe, he's looking out for you still." Ben replies.

"Is it bad that I still love him?" I ask them, not wanting to look into their eyes anymore.

"You love him?" Ben asks, I nod slowly.

"It's ok, you'll get over him Lukey, it'll take some time but you'll be ok." Jack says, running a hand up and down my back.

"He loves me too though. So if we love each other, why did this happen to us?" I question.

"If he loves you that much and you love him that much then you'll find your way back to each other. However if he shows up here high or still dealing drugs I'll stab him with your eye pencil thingy." Ben says, I giggled and shook my head at him.

"So it's ok if I still love him? How do I know if he'll come back though?" I ask, I bit my bottom lip as I waited while Ben and Jack thought about it.

"It's ok that you still love him, normally we should tell you to stay away from him and stuff because he's a bad guy but we saw how he was with you. He's not a bad guy when he's with you and that's more important right? If he stops with the drugs and becomes a better man then we'll accept him back into this family. We're not going to tell you to get over him if you don't want to, but don't wait around for something that might not happen. Maybe you should talk to him, find out if he's willing to change back for you." Jack says eventually.

"What if he doesn't want to talk to me?" I ask.

"Then you tell him you won't wait around for him, it might snap him back into reality." Ben shrugs.

"Like that works." I huff, rolling my eyes at him.

"Worked on me, remember when Cammy and I broke up? She told me she wasn't going to wait around for my balls to grow back and then like 3 weeks later she was on a date and I bashed this guy up good. Cammy and I got back together." Ben says, yeah I remember how angry mom was at him for getting into a fight.

"You didn't giggle when I said balls." Ben then states, making me giggle.

"There we go." Jack cheered.

"I feel better now, thank you guys." I mutter, Jack nods and Ben nods too.

"Maybe, maybe I have a way of getting through to him without talking to him." I state, I looked around and found my phone. Maybe, just maybe this isn't all over yet.

AN/ This was a long update, I have another 4 chapters written for this and tonight I'm going to try and finish this story. I have decided to finish this story before continuing the others. With College coming back up I just know I'd get too stressed to update all stories through each other. So I might double or tripple update tomorrow if I've finished writing it. There will probably be about 64 chapters and an epilogue.... SOOOOOO yeah, I'm getting back to writing :p If this gets 15 comments then I'll double update today!!

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