I'd rather be a loser than be an asshole!

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AN/ SHIZ IS ABOUT TO GO DOWN!! This is the first chapter that starts the reveal!! I know it's sort of fast but well it wasn't the plan to keep it a secret up until the end of the book, because then there'd be no smut right :p lol jk but no just know that the reveal is close!!

Luke was so happy with Calum next to him when he walked into school, Calum was wearing ripped skinnies and one of Luke's bandshirts because he didn't have anything other than sweaters or t-shirts with pugs on them with him.

He saw Michael walk up to school, well more like limp up to school, Luke scoffed and walked up to him.

"Damn the faggot got laid!" Luke yelled, making people turn around to look at him, Michael didn't look up but he winched and hissed a little when Luke kicked his ass.

"Who'd wanna sleep with you, did he make you put a bag on your head?" Luke asked Michael, a smirk on his lips as Michael limped further into school.

"No answer Clifford? Cat got your tongue?" He asks Michael, Michael just rolls his eyes at the blond, Luke noticed and shoves him up again a locker.

"Did you just roll your eyes at me!" Luke asks him, Michael shakes his head quickly, Luke hit him in his ribs, where he knew he'd hit him the day before and Michael crumples to the floor.

"Luke!" Calum gasps, Luke looks over at his friend and Calum looked at him ashamed. Luke might not have told Calum that he beat up Michael.

"Don't Cal!" Luke warned him, Calum frowned and looked at the poor boy with the amazing hair, he then looked back up at Luke.

"This isn't who you are." Calum whispered, to Luke, he then walked off and for once Luke gave Michael a concerned look. He shook it off however and walked away, following his best friend.

It was lunchtime sooner that Luke thought and he was sitting at the table with Calum, eating his food slowly as Calum asked him about the people in school.

"And that kid, the one from this morning, who's he?" Calum asked Luke, Luke shook his head. Luke noticed his other friends looking at him, probably judging the way Calum ate, or how Calum sat or talked.

"Don't talk about him." Luke hisses at Calum, glaring at the innocent boy. Calum bit his lip to stop it trembling, he didn't like his best friend being so mean.

"Cal." Luke whispered but Calum stood up and ran out of the caf.

Luke groaned and stood up, following Calum outside, he heard him crying so he walked around, following the noise.

"And and and he's such an asshole but when we're alone he's so nice. I just want my best friend back!" Calum wailed, Luke walked around the corner slowly, finding Calum hugging Michael. Michael looked so uncomfortable but when his eyes caught mine Luke swore he gave him the most scary look he's ever seen.

"It's ok." Michael says, rubbing a hand up and down Calum's back.

"Calum?"  Luke asks, Calum turns to look at him but he shakes his head and hides behind Michael, Luke rolls his eyes because he really didn't want Michael to be in the middle of this.

"You're an asshole Luke!" Michael says to him, and wow his voice was hot when it was this strong and confident. Damn it Luke, quit it!

"Tell me something I don't know." Luke replies, looking at him smugly.

"W-want to come eat lunch with me?" Michael then asks, looking at Calum.

"Calum come on buddy, don't leave me for the loser." Luke tells him, more like a warning.

"I'd rather be a loser than be an asshole." Calum replies, Michael smiles at Calum and wow his smile is cute. Luke shakes his head quickly and scoffs before turning around and walking back to his table.

Calum doesn't talk to Luke all day and it hurts because he's supposed to be his best friend, after classes Luke waited outside for Michael but when he saw him walking out with Calum, he held back from beating him up this time.

Luke went home and smiled when he saw a picture from PunkAssBitch, it was a picture of pizza. He walked to his room and got changed, then took a picture of his stack of dvd's.

He went downstairs and had dinner with his mom, then headed back up. Luke put Mean Girls on the tv and quickly snapped a picture of his outfit then posted it.

When Luke got the notification that PunkAssBitch had reblogged his picture and that he messaged him, he might have screamed a very unmanly scream.

PunkAssBitch: I like your outfit choice for today babe ;p

Luke blushed and waited a minute before replying, because he didn't want to come off all needy.

PenguinLover: Thank you. I like your foodchoice.

PunkAssBitch: Want to see what I'm wearing atm? ;)

PenguinLover: ehm sure?

After a few minutes of waiting the picture came up and Luke immediately got hard. PunkAssBitch didn't really have an outfit on, no it was a picture of him sat on a couch, his arm over the back of the couch, bare chest and dark blue tight boxers on.

PenguinLover: Are you trying to turn me on?

PunkAssBitch: Depends, is it working?

PenguinLover: You be the judge of that ;)

Luke posted a picture of his clear hard on in his little pink panties he was wearing, with the caption 'Look what you do to me'

He bit his lips nervously, waiting for a reply.

PunkAssBitch: Shit babe, you want me to come take care of that for you ;p

PenguinLover: I'd like that very much.

PunkAssBitch: You want me to come and make you feel good babe? Make you cum like you've never cum before?

Luke moaned involuntarily at that and then screamed as his door burst open.

AN/ Who's at the door???? Who do you think is going to be the first to find out who PenguinLover OR PunkAssBitch is?

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