Some Rules

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AN/ so we all remember the 'Punish you accordingly' bit of the last chapter :p WARNING! use of s*xtoys

"Now, this date. Next Friday, I'll pick you up at 7pm, dress a bit fancy but in whatever you like." I tell him. He nods and so I let my fingers trail under his skirt, higher up his thighs. He shivers at my touch, making me smile at him because I loved the reactions he had to me.

"You want me to help you change Kitten?" I ask him, he nods and a soft moan comes from his lips and my fingers touch the lace panties he had on.

"You know, I really want to fuck you so hard while you wear a skirt one day." I tell him, earning another moan.

"I'm not even sure what turns me on more,  the thought of you in just panties or the thought of you in just a skirt." I whisper, now kissing up and down his neck.

"I want you to touch me, please my Lion." Luke begs me, I sit up and pull his t-shirt off of him, loving how his skirt looked against his slightly tanned skin.

"Where do you want me to touch you Kitten?" I ask him, now kissing over his collarbone and down his chest.

"Anywhere, everywhere, please!" He begged me, his fingers ran through my hair as I kissed down his flat stomach and licked along the waistband of his skirt.

"Aaaw Fudge!" Luke moaned loudly, it' so cute how he won't swear!

"You want me to suck you off, Kitten?" I ask him.

"OH YES! YES FUDGING YES!" He almost screams, making me laugh.

"Yes who?" I ask him.

"Yes Sir, please please, I need you! I want you, oh fudge I want you so bad!" He moans at me, I grab the zipper at the side of his skirt and slowly pull it down, sucking on his stomach lightly. He whimpered as I lifted his ass and pulled the skirt off gently, I folded it and put it down next to my bed, not wanting to crease Luke's things.

I moved back over and looked down at Luke, his panties were a light pink color, matching the vans that lay on the floor next to my bed. The tip of his erection peeping out of the top, I leant down and kissed it, making Luke arch his back and I noticed his hands fisting the sheets beneath us.

"Michael, god fudging suck me off already! Damn it!" Luke groans, I look up at him with raised eyebrows.

"What was that?" I ask him.

"Just suck me off already, it's hurting and I need you. Just do it, now!" He repeats.

"Was that an order?" I ask him, I was now at eyelevel with him and I grinded down onto him, earning a very satisfying moan from him.

"MICHAEL!" He whines.

"Look at me you dirty little slut." I tell him, his eyes widen and he looks a little panicked.

"Did you just order me to suck you off?" I ask him, he shakes his head quickly.

"N-no! N-no, I-I didn't." he stutters.

"You don't get to order me around, slut. You do what I tell you to do, NOT the other way around. Do you understand?" I ask him, he nods, his eyes fearful.

"Not to mention the fact you yelled at me earlier. I really didn't like that." I tell him.

"I-I'm sorry." He whispers, I just shake my head at him.

"I'm not letting you off the hook this time." I tell him, he gulps visibly and closes his eyes.

"I-I, j-just... n-never..." Luke stutters out.

"Shut up and take your punishment like the little slut you are." I tell him, he nods slowly, he bit his trembling lip so I stood up off of my bed and opened the top draw, I saw Luke move over.

"Did I tell you you could move?" I snap at him, he quickly moves back to where he was.

"S-sorry." He whispers, I shake my head at him and pull out a tie and 2 other small objects. I never used them myself but I knew from watching vids that some people like these kinds of things and this is seemingly a good punishment.

"What are you doing?" Luke asks me as I straddle his hips.

"Are you questioning me now?" I ask him, he looks confused.

"Rule number 1, Don't talk back to me. Rule number 2, no screaming at me. Rule number 3, don't question me about any sort of punishment. You get what you deserve." I tell him, he licks his lips and looks down with a quick nod. I tie his arms up over his head and to the headboard, he whimpered as my ass came in contact with his still hard on.

Luke's eyes widen at me as I pull his panties down a bit, grabbing onto him gently and pumping a few times, then he whimpers as I put the c*ckring on.

"Wh-" He started but then stopped himself, Rule number 3. I put it on vibrate and he screams out, in pleasure or pain, I'm not quite sure. I then switch the vibrating part off and saw Luke relax visibly.

"That's not the end of it." I tell him, he looks up at me with wide eyes as I pull out the small vibrator.

"No, please." Luke begs but as I look at him he shuts up and looks away.

"Fine, not this time because it's your first time." I tell him, he smiles a little as I put the vibrator away.

"Now, I'll go back downstairs to say goodbye to Steven, I suggest you get comfortable." I tell him, pressing the vibrating function on the ring again and then pulling his panties up to cover him up more.

"M-Michael!" Luke moans but I ignore him, walking downstairs.

AN/ ok, Michael is officially punishing Luke right now!! What do you guys think about that??

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