This kind of dominant

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"What happened upstairs? Where's Luke?" Calum asks me as I walk down.

"He's up in bed." I reply, shrugging.

"You didn't have sex right?" Calum asks me worried, I raised an eyebrow at him.

"Calum, baby I don't think that's any of your business." Ashton says.

"He's my best friend, it is my business to know when he loses his virginity!" Calum says, I smirk a little but hide it from the guys.

"We didn't have sex Calum." I tell him, rolling my eyes at him.

"Ok, well can I go up and talk to him?" Calum asks.

"I'd not suggest that." I reply, Ashton starts laughing and Calum looks at me oddly.

"Well this is my que to leave! I'll see you guys around yeah?" Steven says, clapping his hands together and standing up. I walk him to the door and he gives me a brohug before jogging to his car.

"Why can't I talk to Luke? He didn't go to sleep did he?" Calum asks me.

"He's a little tied up right now Calum." I tell him,  this just makes Ashton laugh harder.

"What? WHY!?" Calum asks, he was about to walk up the stairs but I stopped him.

"He ordered me around, so he got punished for it." I tell Calum honestly.

"But he- and what if?" Calum asks but Ashton stops him.

"This is their thing Calum, don't question it." Ashton whispers to Calum.

"But what if he-" Calum starts again but Ashton puts a hand over his mouth.

"Keep talking and you'll be getting punished to babe." Ashton whispers he takes Calum's earlobe in between his teeth, Calum gasps and quickly moves his hands to his skirt.

"I guess I'll see Luke in the morning." Calum replies, a blush clear on his cheeks.

"You will, and he'll be perfectly fine." I assure Calum, he nods slowly and then looks over at Ashton.

"Can we watch a movie or something?" Calum asks us, Ashton looks at me and I look up the stairs.

"I'll watch a bit of it before going up." I tell them, they both nod and then we sit down and Ashton puts some movie on that I don't even bother listening to the name off. It's about some kids that use this gameboard and then the things on the board come to life, I guess it would be cool to watch but all I can think of is how Luke's doing, if he's holding out or if he's moaning.

About half an hour later I stand up and head upstairs, I open the door and find Luke with his head tilted back, tears streaming down his face as he moans silently.

"Kitten?" I ask, stepping up to him, he immediately looks up at me.

"I'm so sorry, so so sorry I'll never do it again, please please please just make it stop! Please Michael, just make it stop, I can't I can't anymore, please. I promise I'll be good, promise, just please." He begs me, I switch the ring off and take it off of him.

"Oohhh gosh, fricking frickballs. Thank you, thank you so much. I-I couldn't not any longer. I'm so sorry, I'll be good ok I really do promise. Any rules you give me, any of them I'll obey." He says as I untie his wrists. He lowers them and starts rubbing them quickly, I grab my white sweater and help him put it on. He curls up into a ball but then hisses and stretches out again.

"Does it hurt Kitten?" I ask him, he nod slowly.

"I should have gone a bit easier on you." I tell him, wiping newly forming tears off of his cheek.

"It's ok, I didn't realize you were this kind of dominant." Luke whispers, I raise my eyebrow at him.

"The punishment kind, with the toys and things." He mutters, he wasn't looking at me and he kept looking down.

"Do you not like it?" I ask him, he shrugs.

"Kitten, look at me and answer me." I warn him, he immediately looks up at me.

"I like it, just not the punishment part, well not that one. I can deal with spanking and being tied to the bed, but can I at least ask you to not ignore me and to not put that ring on me again? It's just a question, not an order or anything. I just really didn't like it and I'll do anything to never have that thing on me ever again." He begs me, his voice a mere whisper like he was afraid of me.

"I won't put it on you again, I respect your decisions. If you'd told me at the start that you'd accept any other punishment I'd have not done it, or at least not for that long." I tell him, he nods slowly.

"Does it hurt? Like a lot?" I ask him, he takes a deep breath and nods again.

"I'm fine though, it'll go over." He whispers, I shake my head and move to lie over him. First he didn't look at me but when I hooked my finger under his chin he turned to face me.

AN/ Oooh poor Lukey :( Yeah so Michael is the kind to give punishments, but Luke's ok with most of it :p

Smut next chapter? Maybe, maybe not....

Punk, more or lessحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن