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AN/ little time skip! This story officially has 68 chapters (longer ones than usual) and an epilogue! 

Luke pov

I spent the whole week over at Michael's and Ashton's place, not leaving Michaels side for a second. I told him I'd be there for him, so I was. I was there when he woke up in the middle of the night and threw up, I was there when he got the cold sweats and when he started shaking. I was there to take his mind off of everything, yes I even gave him a blow job or a hand job to get his mind off of things. He always returned the favor, it seemed to keep his mind off of things too. I was there when he got angry and when he screamed at me telling me he needed something. It wasn't as bad as I figured it could get because Michael wasn't addicted as such. He hadn't been using for too long so yes it was ok but it wasn't easy seeing him go through all of that.

Now I was with Calum at graduation, Michael didn't come. He said he didn't want to leave the house in the state he was in. He said he didn't want my parents or brothers to see him like this. I had on a dress, which was unnoticeable under my robe, Calum had on a dress too and he looked so happy.

Once we were all called up onto stage, like our school always did to get one last picture of us all, I looked around the crowd and spotted a head of pink and blue hair mixed together perfectly. I looked down and locked eyes with him, he smiled at me weakly and I knew it had taken him all he had to get here. He was out of view of anybody that wasn't actually paying attention to him, out of view of my parents and brothers, from Calum's parents and Ashton. He stood at the back and clapped as the final picture was taken and we all threw our hats up. He was there clapping and smiling widely at me, he was there and that was all I cared about. He'd shown up to be there on one of the most important days of my life.

"He came." I whisper to Calum as we walked off of stage.

"Who?" Calum asks.

"Michael, he came. He dyed his hair again it's amazing but he came." I tell him, he looks around quickly but gets pulled into hugs much like I do.

"Are you guys ready to set off?" Ashton asks us as we've hugged everybody. I nod and look over at Calum, he was nodding to. I smiled at the way Calum's eyes light up at the thought of where we are going, I wanted to be that happy, I did but I couldn't because I was leaving Michael behind. I was leaving Michael here, all by himself, dealing with this all alone.

"Yes, ok let's leave! I'm so excited! Come on we have a plane to catch!" Calum exclaims, pushing me towards Ashton's car as he pulls Ashton with him.

"Guys! Can I, I need to go say goodbye to him." I tell Calum and Ashton, tears already welling up because I'm just leaving him.

"You'll be back next week Luke." Calum informs me.

"I know but, I can't go. Not without saying goodbye, I don't even think I can actually leave him. Maybe I should stay?" I ask, Calum looks at me dissapointedly but Ashton just smiles.

"Get in the car, we'll drop by Michael on our way to the airport." Ashton tells me.

"He's not home, he was here. There's no way he's home yet." I tell them.

"Well we'll drive past him then, come along." Ashton says, I hug everybody else one more time before getting into the backseat of the car.

Once we were away from school I pulled my robe off and so did Calum, pushing them into the backpacks we'd be leaving in the car at the airport.

"I'll miss him, I should be leaving him, I told him I'd be there for him." I mutter, looking out of the window.

"You've been there all week, you can't cancel your trip for him." Calum tells me.

"I know but, it feels wrong to leave him behind like this." I sigh, he nods and then Ashton turns into a parking spot by heir place. I furrow my eyebrows since there's no way Michael made it back to this place already. Ashton honked a few times and I screamed and jumped out of the car when Michael walked out with a suitcase.

"YOU'RE COMING!" I scream at him, he nods happily so I run up to him and jump into his arms.

"Ooomph, Kitten you could have made me fall over." Michael chuckles as he grabs onto my thighs with his hands, his suitcase dropping.

"So? Then we'd cuddle on the ground." I reply.

"But you could have scraped your knees or ripped your dress. Silly Kitten." Michael replies, it made me blush how he was thinking about something like that in times like this.

"You look a lot better." I tell him, running my hand through his hair as he walks to the car with me. Ashton had gotten out of the car and was pushing Michael's suitcase into the boot of the car. We're lucky it's a big boot.

"I feel better, I just looked like shit this morning because my hair was faded and I'd hardly slept because I kept wondering on how to tell you this and what color to dye my hair next." Michael says, he opens the car door and puts me down so we could both sit in the back. As soon as he closed the door I was sat on his lap making him laugh as he wrapped his arms around my waist.

"You look so pretty Kitten." Michael whispers to me, kissing my cheek gently.

"How did you afford this?" I ask him.

"I had money left over from my last job." Michael replies.

"Oh, ok cool." I reply, nodding at him.

"I got you something too." Michael whispers, I frown and look at him because I didn't want anything from him.

"2 things actually. 1 I'll give you on our date at Disneyworld and the second one you have to find yourself." Michael says.

"Where am I supposed to look for the second one?" I ask him, he leans closer to me, kissing up my neck gently, then nibbling on my earlobe before whispering: 'on my body' to me in his smooth and sexy deep voice.

"Oh frick." I mutter, feeling myself harden in my panties.

AN/ Heheheheheh, Michael got another tattoo, where do you think it is? Plus Michael dyed his hair, it's a mix of like cotton candy pink and cotton candy blue! BUT IRL though, BLOND MICHAEL IS BACK! Let me just drown in my feels :s 

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