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Chapter eighteen

(75% of people tries to fall back asleep in the morning just to finish their dream)

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(75% of people tries to fall back asleep in the morning just to finish their dream)


They would've died five times on the way to the front door if not for Leo.

First it was the motion-activated trapdoor on the sidewalk, then the lasers on the steps, then the nerve gas dispenser on the porch railing, the pressure-sensitive poison spikes in the welcome mat, and of course the exploding doorbell.

Leo deactivated all of them. It was like he could smell the traps - child of Hephaestus things - and he picked just the right tool out of his belt to disable them.

"You're amazing, man," Jason said.

Leo scowled as he examined the front-door lock. "Yeah, amazing," he said.

"Can't fix a dragon right, but I'm amazing."

"Hey, that wasn't your-"

"Front door's already unlocked," Leo announced.

Piper and Ally stared at the door in disbelief. 
"It is? All those traps, and the door's unlocked?"

"Warning sign number two," Thea whispered to herself.

Leo turned the knob. The door swung open easily. He stepped inside without hesitation.

Piper caught Jason and Thea's arms before they went in.

"He's going to need some time to get over Festus. Don't take it personally. Don't mention it."

"Wasn't going to," Thea defended herself. She knew grief, all too well. Her dad was the god of death, grief followed her wherever she went. She often thought about  her siblings who had it worse, like Nico with Bianca. Thea had always blamed herself for the Bianca one. If only she had been the one to volunteer the quest then she could've saved her sister.

"Yeah,"Jason said. "Yeah, okay."

"Piper," he said, "I know I was in a daze back in Chicago, but that stuff about your dad - if he's in trouble, I want to help. I don't care if it's a trap or not."

Thea slapped the back of his head when she realised what he was talking about.
He should have understood how that might've been just as touchy of a subject as Festus's death. "Idiot."

And she was right. Piper's eyes were always different colours, but now they looked shattered, as if she'd seen something she just couldn't cope with.
"Jason, you don't know what you're saying. Please don't make me feel worse. Come on. We should stick together."

She ducked inside, Thea just behind.

"Together," she heard Jason say to himself. "Yeah, we're doing great with that."

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