"Damn dude, we could be famous" Chan says, out of breath and the music fades out and onto the next. Changbin nods.

"Agreed, plus we're hot. We could be paid big money"

I laugh and lay down in the back. "That would be sick, famous rappers but behind close doors were criminals"

"I say we do it," Changbin says, I look at him and we both laugh knowing this is how our idea started when we committed to opening up the club.

He rolled the windows down and the music fills the car. As I lay down in the back seat and felt the fresh air engulf my body, giving me a sense of calmness.

My phone buzzed, I grab it and look to see that Park has answered and said he would be at the club waiting for me.

I put my phone down and let my eyes drift closed. I didn't realize how tired I was until I dozed off and was woken up by Changbin shaking me.

"Shit head, get up and get off my car. Felix is waiting for me at home" I groan and get up, seeing that Chan was no longer with us. I get out of the car and walking into my building to see the familiar lady. Remembering now what had happened the other day I walk up to her instead of past her.

She smiles at me "Mr. Han, What can I do for you?"

"Nothing today but next time I would appreciate it if you let my boyfriend up or I will have to talk with that boss of yours" Her eyes widen and she nods.

"Yes I'm sorry" I smile at her before I walk away I turn back to her and lean into the counter.

"And if I catch you looking at him the way I did the other day then I won't be talking to him but he would be talking to me on if I've seen you because you haven't shown up for a few days" She swallows harshly and nods again. I smile at her and walk away to the garage.

I get into my car and start it, pulling out and making my way to the club. The ride was filled by the low radio playing as I got lost in the familiar scent that lingered.

I soon pulled up to the club that was starting to get packed as the sun went down. I pull into the back and get out, taking out the back door to avoid the crowd.

I get into the club and hear the music loudly playing, I would wonder if Chan made it to his shift but he didn't work today so I didn't have to worry if we had a bartender today. I walk past a few doors until I get to one in the middle, a sign saying "Park".

I knock on it once before opening it, revealing Park sitting down as he put a few papers down. I sit down on one of the chairs in front of his desk. I look in the corner to see the camera's of the club.

Park was here most nights, making sure nothing went wrong. He was also the person I went to handle and keep up with my other businesses. He helped me find new ones and whether they were worth the price. If something went wrong he was the one who will get into contact with people to fix things. Overall, he helped me not let the reputation of my businesses go to shit. Yes, he was young but he knew what he was doing.

"What is it that you needed me for?" I look at him and smile.

"I'm looking for a new building" He gives me a puzzled look. "I know we do not need a new location and we're good where we're at but it's not for anything illegal"

He looks even more confused "I'm not understanding"

I sigh "Okay fine, it's not for me but for someone else. I had told them I will help them look for a place-" I look down, mumbling "And they don't know this but I'm also planning on buying it for them"

"What?!" I look up, smiling a Park "Jisung you know anything with your name on it will eventually attract illegal business"

"My names not gonna be on it, I'm simply buying it for them. Their name will be on it not mine" He sighed sitting back on his chair and sighing.

"And if things go wrong and you no longer speak to this person again?" I shrug.

"They have a new shop and didn't have to pay for it" He shakes his head. "Are you gonna help me or not? Because I'm buying something no matter what"

He sits up and opens his computer "What are you looking for?" He gives in, I lean to his desk excitedly.

"Medium size, not too big but not small... Umm-bright, lots of windows for natural light and um... somewhere safe, make sure the building has a good reputation and wasn't previously a murder scene" He nods at everything I say, typing down as I speak and repeat things Minho was mentioning on how he wants his dream flower shop to look.

After a few minutes of talking I finish and sit back "I think that's about it Park, pleasure doing business" I get up and walk to the door, turning back at him "And I expect the best" He nods and goes back to his computer. I walk out and go the opposite of the club doors as I would usually do. Walking out of the Club and to my car, figuring I should go home.

I couldn't fuck up more than I already had so I have no choice but to listen to Changbin and put my drinking and other things aside for the time being. I don't like to admit it but I have felt a lot better since I stopped drinking. Or at least I haven't had reasons to drink, making it easier to stay sober.

I drive home, feeling my excitement flood over my worries. I felt good helping Minho with something I always knew he wanted, this was all he talked about when he brought up the future. Obviously now when he talked about the details they were more realistic than when we were younger.

He was always a dreamer. When we met his eyes were filled with so much mischief but behind them was his huge imagination that he hardly let anyone see. I guess I'm considered lucky to know that part of him.

I would consider this a filler but I did mention somethings that will make sense with time... hehe.

Love y'all <3

𝐃𝐀𝐑𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐆 - 𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐒𝐔𝐍𝐆Where stories live. Discover now