Chapter 486 - Wandering Bard's Sheet Music Scraps

Start from the beginning

"Forget it, let's hope our luck is better next time," Nie Yan said. The Life Emerald was probably particularly rare.

"Let's ask if anyone in the guild has it," Tang Yao suggested. He posted up a request in the guild chat for Azure Fantasy Sapphires and Life Emeralds.

Nie Yan thought for a moment before posting up the same request in the Union of Assassins. The reward was 30,000 gold per gem.

"Seems like nobody in the guild has a Life Emerald, but everyone will keep it in mind from now on," Tang Yao said.

The two were in low spirits.

The gems on the table were quite varied. Many were rare gems that Nie Yan had never seen before. If they were anything like the Scarlet Blaze Ruby, Azure Fantasy Sapphire, and Life Emerald, and could be used in crafting other special items, using them right now would be a huge waste.

"I think you should keep these gems in your personal storage. You know, just in case," Tang Yao said.

"Right." Nie Yan nodded. It appeared Tang Yao shared the same thought as him.

Nie Yan put away the gems in his bag. Later on, he would deposit them into his personal storage.

Only the pile of special magic tools remained on the table. Each one had a peculiar and unusual ability. One would have to carefully examine them.

"Nie Yan, look! It's a Crawler Ring!" Tang Yao exclaimed after digging out a ring from the pile.

"Nice, take it," Nie Yan said. The Crawler Ring was definitely a good item.

"Awesome! I've always wanted a Crawler Ring! I've been checking auction houses daily, but nobody ever lists one up for sale. Now I finally have one!" Tang Yao could hardly contain his elation. With a Crawler Ring, he could copy Nie Yan's method of killing monsters far above his level. This curio truly wasn't easy to come by!

Nie Yan glanced at the Special Items. None of them were as good as the ones on him right now. He diverted his attention elsewhere, specifically to what appeared to be scraps of paper. There were around 30 in total, all of them badly damaged.

"What are these?" Tang Yao curiously picked up one of the scraps and read the description out loud, "A scrap of Wandering Bard Blimer's sheet music. The poor bard was attacked by wild beasts while travelling through the Dolan Mountain Range. With the aid of a hunter, he fortunately escaped with his life. However, his sheet music was lost and torn into countless scraps. If someone finds them, please return them to Wandering Bard Blimer."

"It's a Blimer's Sheet Music Scrap?" Nie Yan asked.

"Seems so, why? Is it important or something?" Tang Yao didn't think Nie Yan would get so excited.

Nie Yan examined the scrap. It was indeed a Blimer's Sheet Music Scrap!

"Sweet! We have 36 in total!" Nie Yan said after counting all the scraps. He recalled the quest related to Blimer's sheet music. It was a fairly easy one. Players could find Wandering Bard Blimer's Sheet Music Scraps from monsters or chests in the Dolan Mountain Range. Returning one scrap to Blimer would trigger a quest called "Blimer's Troubles" which tasked the player to find more scraps. According to the forums, handing over one scrap would give a pretty good reward, handing over a second would give an even better reward, and every sixth scrap would reward a spin on a Fate Wheel!

In the previous timeline, when this quest became public knowledge, players from all over started searching for sheet music scraps. When word reached Heaven Breaker's ears, he began strong-arming others into selling him their scraps. He obtained a total of 25 scraps, with his final reward being a piece of Sub Legendary-grade equipment. The previous rewards were also pretty good. They included among other things experience, gold, and gems.

Ordinary players levelling in the Dolan Mountain Range could only open one or two treasure chests at most. Obtaining one or two sheet music scraps was already impressive. Like in the previous timeline, even with his vast wealth and resources, Heaven Breaker only acquired 25 music sheet scraps.

Nie Yan and Tang Yao had unwitingly obtained 36 scraps. They had swept through practically every chest in the Dolan Mountain Range, so this kind of achievement wasn't too surprising.

Nie Yan recalled players had returned at least 100 scraps of sheet music to Blimer in the previous timeline.

"Huh? Why is it sweet? Tell me!" Tang Yao also got excited.

Nie Yan explained Blimer's quest.

"Come on, let's go collect our reward!" Tang Yao exclaimed. How could they pass up on this opportunity?

"Who's going to turn in the quest?" Nie Yan asked. He didn't care much for the experience rewards. At most he would level up once or twice. It would be great if they received some rare items, though.

"I think it should be you. My luck is pretty good with drops, but it's crappy with stuff like quest rewards," Tang Yao replied. He held Nie Yan's chest opening abilities in high esteem. Nie Yan's luck was higher than his. Luck was a hidden stat, but players could still find it out through indirect ways.

"Alright, I'll turn in the quest." Nie Yan could boost his luck at specific moments with Pandora's Box. He could receive additional rewards when turning in the quest.

Nie Yan and Tang Yao examined the remaining loot. They had no idea what many of these items were used for. In any case, they came out of chests, so they couldn't be useless. Nie Yan planned to store them in the guild treasury, offering a reward to those who could figure out their use.

After tidying everything up, Nie Yan and Tang Yao left the Starry Night Potion Shop. They visited their personal storages, then set off toward Wandering Bard Blimer's residence.

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